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Julia package that imitates the Minecraft biome generation


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A rewrite of Cubiomes but in Julia, intended to be (much) easier to use and to contribute to, and faster.


The code is still in early development, and everything can change at any time. This repo should be seen as a proof of concept and nothing else.

Why Cubiomes.jl?

  • Readability and ease of use: Julia is a high-level language, which makes the code easier to read and understand. Of course to be fast, it is sometimes necessary to write more complex code, but if it is simply to use an API (like the one of Cubiomes), it a very easy Python-like language.

  • Performance: Julia is almost as fast as C. For this case, it is in fact faster because uh so actually I don't know why lol but i always measure 2-3x speedup.


The package is still early in development, so it is not yet registered. You can install it via the github repository, in the Julia REPL:

julia> ] add


Biome generation

Let's create a simple program which tests seeds for a mushroom fields biome at a predefined location.

using Cubiomes
using Base.Iterators: countfrom

function search_biome_at(x, z, y)
    overworld = Overworld(undef, mcv"1.18")

    for seed in countfrom(zero(UInt64))
        set_seed!(overworld, seed)
        biome = get_biome(overworld, x, z, y)

        if biome == Biomes.mushroom_fields
            println("Seed $(signed(seed)) has a Mmushroom Fields at $((x, z, y))")

search_biome_at(0, 0, 63)


  • The order of the coordinates is (x, z, y) and never (x, y, z) in the entire package.
  • The syntax mcv"1.18" represent the Minecraft version.
  • The ! at the end of the function set_seed! is a Julia convention to indicate that the function modifies the object inplace. In this case, it modifies the overworld object to set the seed. This is more import in the next example, when we are dealing with containers of biomes.

World map generation

To generate a map of biomes, you need to create a World object that is simply a 3D / 2D array of biomes, with the real coordinates of the world as indices. Use gen_biomes! to fill the world with the biomes. It can be much faster than calling get_biome for each block. Here is an example that generate the biomes and save the map as an image:

using Cubiomes
using FileIO

const overworld1_18 = Overworld(undef, mcv"1.18")
const worldmap = WorldMap(x=-1000:1000, z=-1000:1000, y=63)

function save_as_img!(worldmap, seed, path)
    set_seed!(overworld1_18, seed)
    gen_biomes!(overworld1_18, worldmap, 📏"1:16")

    world2d = view2d(worldmap)
    save(path, to_color(world2d))

save_as_img!(worldmap, 42, "world.png")
show world.png World map

Some comments:

  • In Julia, constants global variables must be declared with const to avoid performance penalties.
  • The emoji 📏 is an optional argument used to represent the scale of the biomes. For example here, 📏"1:16" means that one biome value in the map corresponds to a square of 16x16 blocks in the world, so we are in fact generating from -16000 to 16000 in each direction. The emoji name is ":straight_ruler:". You can use Scale(N) instead of 📏"1:N" if you don't like emojis.
  • In many cases (here to save as an image), the map need to be in 2D. Here, even if the size of the y coordinate is 1, it is still considered as a 3D map. This is why we use the view2d function to have a 2D view of the world. ⚠ It is only a view, so if you modify the 2D map, it will also modify the 3D map.
  • Like the first example, the ! at the end of function names indicates that the function modifies the object inplace. Here our function modifies in fact two objects: the overworld1_18 object and the worldmap object.


Java implementation of rng


  • Perlin noise
  • Octaves noise
  • Simplex noise
  • Double Perlin noise


  • Nether generation
  • Overworld 1.18+ generation
  • Overworld beta generation
  • Overworld generation
  • End generation
  • Structure generation
  • Use of recipes for the plots of maps without the need of depending on Plots.jl


  • Threading for the biome generation. Polyester.jl with @batch macro would be a nice option. But there is #24(Polyester) that only enable threading for the outer loop, in our case it's the y coord that is very often.. only 1. I think the only option is to do everything by hand by following this
  • GPU acceleration for the biome generation

Infrastructure changes

  • Make the Minecraft version types instead of enums and dispatch the functions instead of if checks.
  • Make a type World(dimension, version) similar to each dimension objects, with set_seed!, etc. But would act more like an immutable array of biomes, implementing getindex instead of the current get_biome(dim, coord). For slices, it would return a array WorldMap. So the current gen_biomes! should still exist to allow inplace generation, with a buffer WorldMap to store the biomes.



  • The code should be formatted with using JuliaFormatter; format(".").
  • For random generator, each function that modifies the state inplace should be prefixed with a 🎲 (:game_die:)
  • For array manipulation, each function that modifies the array inplace should be prefixed with a !.
  • Each new feature should be tested with unit tests (with the Test module) and if possible with property-based tests (with Suppositions.jl)


Java >= 17 is required to run the tests. You can run the tests with:

julia> ] test Cubiomes

To not include Aqua.jl tests:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.test("Cubiomes"; test_args=["not_aqua"])

To run the tests with the coverage:

julia> using Cubiomes, LocalCoverage

julia> LocalCoverage.generate_coverage("Cubiomes")


Julia package that imitates the Minecraft biome generation





