I'm Kodie, a passionate software developer from Aotearoa New Zealand. I love creating innovative and impactful solutions, and I'm always eager to learn new technologies. My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, across many languages and many platforms.
My web development stack primarily consists of React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. Using these technologies, I've built several websites, with my personal favourite being Evaluate.
Over time I've used a variety of hosting solutions, currently using Vercel. I originally self-hosted all of my projects locally using a Raspberry Pi, Nginx, and Docker (when it didn't cause too many performance issues).
For mobile app development, I rely on React Native, and Expo. These tools have enabled me to create various mobile apps, particularly soundboard apps featuring popular online personalities.
In developing browser extensions, I utilise Plasmo, a framework for creating extensions using React. This framework has helped me create the companion extension for my Evaluate app.
During 2023, I started learning Unity and Unreal Engine, and have used them with my teams to create a variety of small games.
My Discord app development stack is not as simple as a single set of technologies. I've created a variety of Discord apps, including the Evaluate bot, using a combination of TypeScript, Node.js, and Discord.js core.