CloudMonkey v6.2.0
v6.2.0 Release Notes:
- New option to change default cmk config file
- Validation of arguments with limited set of options, while setting cloudmonkey configuration
- Verify user access to cloudmonkey configuration file
- Allow sync command to be used as a verb for cloudstack API calls
- Print response with newlines if output format chosen is "text"
- Map "default" output type to "json"
- Add autocompletion as an optional configuration
- Display output in human readable format
- Show meaningful metadata for id autocompletion for some APIs
Installation instruction for Linux/Mac OSX:
wget <file url>
chmod +x <cmk binary file>
mv <cmk binary file> /bin/cmk
Old docs:
Version and build details:
Apache CloudStack π΅ CloudMonkey 6.2.0 (build: 8aae61e, 2021-09-22T16:26:51+0530)
usage: cmk [flags] [commands|apis] [-h]
CloudMonkey (cmk) π΅ is a command line interface for Apache CloudStack.
Allowed flags:
-h Show this help message or API doc when specified after an API
-v Print version
-o API response output format: json, text, table, column, csv
-p Server profile
-d Enable debug mode
-c Different config file path
Default commands:
exit Exits
help Help
set Configures options for cmk
sync Discovers and updates APIs
version Version info
MD5 checksums:
036ada2cf503cead644e20ab272d7080 cmk.linux.x86-64 (Linux Intel-x86 64-bit)
e7bcf7a849a20fdd78e5d3a7ae7c33e4 cmk.linux.x86 (Linux Intel-x86 32-bit)
e9d62d614b7b68efcf999b7ebdd09d75 cmk.linux.arm64 (Linux ARM 64-bit)
0a8c0db65f5df11b32e6d2efb0bc65d1 cmk.linux.arm32 (Linux ARM 32-bit)
479f6c9132c216bfbf0e5e650021f625 cmk.darwin.arm64 (Mac OSX ARM 64-bit)
ee2b2f457cb72c04f447283359b0e783 cmk.darwin.x86-64 (Mac OSX Intel-x86 64-bit)
6d711bbd5af2f2bce897f676c8dbe904 (Windows Intel-x86 64-bit)
90d28b42d7b7a5f502d5130506847ea7 (Windows Intel-x86 32-bit)