- Google cloud SDK,
- Google cloud
enabled - Private and public ssh key for Google cloud enabled.
- Google cloud linux virtual machine
- Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/anujsp2797/bioinfo-inthe-cloud/
$ cd bioinfo-inthe-cloud
- Setup prerequites
$ bash setup.sh
Usage: ./alignment.sh [options]
Compulsory Arguments:
- Query file type (i.e. 1 for sequence files in FASTA format or 2 for list of RefSeq IDs in .txt file)
- Query sequence in FASTA format (.fa file)
- Database file type (0 if using predetermined database or 1 for custom database using FASTA format or 2 for custom database with RefSeq IDs)
- Database file (0 if using predetermined database or .fa FASTA file or .txt RefSeq ID file)
- Google cloud virtual machine instance name
- Sequence alignment program to use (0 for BLAST and 1 for Diamond)
- External ip address to allow for ssh into Google cloud instance
- ssh key to allow for ssh into Google cloud instance
- Username to allow for ssh into Google cloud instance
- Output file name. The output file will be placed in the current working directory.
Ensure arguments are placed in the same order as mentioned above.