The goal of gazeR is to identify visual fixations from eye-tracking data with Density Based Clustering. For now the only tool is based on the dbscan algorithm (from the dbscan library).
Here is a brief description of the package implementation procedure:
- The package and its documentations were initiated in Rstudio with the devtools and roxygen2 libraries.
- An initial Unit Test Protocol was implemented with the testthat library.
- Final full check (as with R cmd check) was performed with the devtools::check() function.
- The packages was then pushed to this GitHub repository.
- Continuous integration with Travis was implemented via github_actions (
You can install this version under development of gazeR from:
# install.packages("devtools")
For the moment the package has only one function: gazeClusters(dat, eps, minPts = 5, recRate = NULL)
If you download the package, you can see the function documentation by typing ?gazeClusters in the console.