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Sportify connects athletes with coaches. Specifically, Sportify helps athletes show their profile and gives the opportunity to coaches to search for athletes matching their interests. If a coach likes an athlete, a chat opens and they can now communicate further for their next steps.

Instructions for compilation:

If you want to compile our java project you should download first the src\main\java directory, which includes the java files. You should also have the pom.xml file and the three Serialized files UserInfo.ser, AthleteInfo.ser, CoachInfo.ser so that you can use the stored data for the Users, Athletes and Coaches objects. After downloading the necessary files, please create a new folder and place in it the src\main\java directory, the pom.xml and the serialized files. Bear in mind that all the files that you have downloaded from git should be unzipped. For the compilation of the project use the maven tool, which you can download from Then, open the command line prompt and move to the directory of the folder that you have created, with the cd command. Use the command mvn compile to compile the project and then the command mvn package so that you create a jar file, which you can use to run our social media app.

Instruction for executing the program:

After you have created the jar file, you can run the project by using the command java -jar target\sportify-0.1.0.jar. The target directory in the command is created when you are packaging the project and it includes the executable jar file. The sportify-0.1.0 is the name of the project followed by its version.

Instructions for use:

When running the code the user is faced with the question of whether they like to log in or register. The register option is used to create a new account for a coach or an athlete who sets a unique username and a password for them in order to log-in the next time they use our app. Log-in option can be used when a user already has an account and wants to enter our app. Based on the type of user (Coach/ Athlete) the rest of the application is different.

Menu of a coach: After logging in as a coach the following menu appears on the screen: Type : 1 to edit your profile 2. to view it 3. to search for athletes 4. to see a Chat 5. to send a message 6. to logout

  1. The coach can edit everything regarding their profile
  2. The coach can view their complete profile
  3. The coach can search for athletes (This also gives them the opportunity to see the top players based on likes etc)
  4. The coach can see an already open chat between them and an athlete
  5. The coach can open a chat and send a message to an athlete or send a message to an already open chat.
  6. The coach logs out. After logging out everything is saved.

Menu of an athlete: After logging in as an athlete the following menu appears on the screen: Type : 1. to edit your profile 2. to view your profile 3. to see a Chat 4. to send a message 5. to log out

  1. The athlete can edit everything regarding their profile
  2. The athlete can view their complete profile
  3. The athlete can see an already open chat between them and a coach
  4. The athlete can send a message to an already open chat between them and a coach
  5. The athlete logs out. After logging out everything is saved.

Structure of git repository

The structure of our git repository contains the default branch named main, the Serialize branch, and the MAIN-FINAL branch.

The default branch main consists of all the final classes ready to be used by the users. Except for the .java files, it also includes 3 byte files (UserInfo.ser, AthleteInfo.ser, CoachInfo.ser). The last three files contain all of the data generated by the program. The branch also has the file.

The Serialize branch was created in order for the program to be able to run for the first time. In particular, the file creates the .ser files and stores some sample values. The .ser files were then transferred into the main branch so that the can deserialize them and execute them. This branch is not used during the execution of the app.

In the beginning, the different operations were assigned to two-person teams and each team had its own branch. For instance, there was a Chat branch. After the codes were finished, all .java files were transferred into the MAIN-FINAL branch and then were deleted for illustrating purposes.

The MAIN-FINAL branch was the testing branch in which everyone committed their code and updated the classes.



Main class
  • Get the ability to write and register data

  • Otherwise in case the account already exists it is directly linked to the corresponding coach / athlete actions

  • Providing the existing functions

User class
  • After the user enters the program, the data entry is provided and stored in the user class

  • The following information is assigned:

    1. username

    2. password

    3. choice

    4. name

    5. age

    6. sport

    7. bio

  • The class includes corresponding set/get methods

Athletes class/Coaches class
  • These two classes inherit the elements of the User class

  • Depending on the choice of each User they are registered in the corresponding group of athletes or coaches

  • Athletes class:

    • Additional attributes are assigned to the variables:

      1. position

      2. current_team

      3. height

      4. weight

  • Coaches class:

    • Additional attributes are assigned to the variables:

      1. years_of_experience

      2. team

CoachActions class
  • In this class, each coach has the ability to:

    • View and edit their profile

    • Search for certain athletes according to specific characteristics

    • Communicate with the athletes through a series of methods

AthletesActions class

In this class, each athlete has the possibility to:

  • View and edit his/her profile

  • Reply and see the open conversations he has with the coaches

The above functions are provided through a series of methods

Chat class

This class of the program:

  • Accepts the messages of the respective athletes and coaches

  • Creates the corresponding chat between them

  • Which is accessible to both athletes and coaches

Data structure and algorithms used by the application

The storing of our data happens in .ser files. More specifically, we created 3 array lists (usersarray, coachesarray, athletesarray) that contain the objects of each User, Coach, Athlete in the corresponding order. In the begging of the program, the array lists are deserialized (converted from bytes to objects) and are now ready to be used by the program without any needed connection with another database. At the end of the program execution, the updated by the users array lists are serialized, overriding the previous ones and being converted into bytes. Inside coachesarray and athletesarray there is another ArrayList called messages. This messages ArrayList is an instance variable of type Users, which is inherited by the Athletes and Coaches objects. It consists of many ArrayLists, each one representing a chat of the user with someone. These ArrayLists also consist of ArrayLists, with the latter representing a message and their sender. In this way, all messages can be saved. It must be noted that the first ArrayList inside the ArrayLists that represent a chat consists of only a String, the username of the contact.

Users Class

The class uses inheritance and is the superclass of the subclassses Athletes and Coaches. The class, also implements the Serializable interface.

It is a public class which contains lots of set and get methods for several private instance variables, which are used for the attributes of a User.

  • Users method is the constructor method of the "Users" class and it has three attributes String "username",String "password",String "choice". The choice attribute is for the user to choose if he is an athlete of a coach.

  • setName is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "name" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "n". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "name" instance variable.

  • getName is a String getter method which returns the name of the user when the user wants to view his profile.

  • setAge is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "age" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "a". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class and takes an integer as an argument, which will be stored in the "age" instance variable.

  • getAge is a int getter method which returns the age of the user when the user wants to view his profile.

  • setSport is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "sport" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "s". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "sport" instance variable.

  • getSport is a String getter method which returns the sport of the user when the user wants to view his profile.

  • setBio is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "bio" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "b". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "bio" instance variable. The bio can include multiple information about the user. e.g if the user is a footballer it could contain his goals per match.

  • getBio is a String getter method which returns the bio of the user when the user wants to view his profile.

  • setUsername is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "username" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "usern". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class, and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "username" instance variable.

  • getUsername is a String getter method which returns the username of the user.

  • setPassword* is a void setter method in the "Users" class. It sets the value of the "password" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "p". This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class, and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "password" instance variable.

  • getPassword is a String getter method which returns the password of the user.

  • getMessages is a getter method in the "Users" class, it returns the "messages" instance variable, which is an ArrayList of ArrayLists of ArrayLists of Strings. This method can be called on an instance of the "Users" class, and returns the value stored in the "messages" variable. It does not take any arguments.

Athletes Class

It is a public class which extends the "Users" class and also implements the Serializable interface. It contains multiple private instance variables which are used to describe the attributes of an Athlete.

  • Athletes method is the constructor method of "Athletes" class that calls the constructor of the superclass passing the parameters "usern"(for the username),"p" (for password)and "c" (for choice).

  • setPosition is a void setter method which sets the value of the "position" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "p". This method can be called on an instance of the "Athletes" class, and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "position" instance variable.

  • getPosition is a String getter method which returns the position of an Athlete.

  • setCurrent_team is a void setter method which sets the value of the "current_team" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "ct". This method can be called on an instance of the "Athletes" class, and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "current_team" instance variable.

  • getCurrent_team is a String getter method which returns the current team of an Athlete.

  • setHeight is a a void setter method which sets the value of the "height" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "h". This method can be called on an instance of the "Athletes" class, and takes a double as an argument, which will be stored in the "height" instance variable.

  • getHeight is a double getter method which returns the height of an Athlete.

  • setWeight is a void setter method which sets the value of the "weight" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "w". This method can be called on an instance of the "Athletes" class, and takes a double as an argument, which will be stored in the "weight" instance variable.

  • getWeight is a double getter method which returns the weight of an Athlete.

Then we have three different edit methods which differ in the type of the attributes they receive depending the type of the instance variables the athlete wants to change. The methods are called by the user in main class when he chooses the edit option in the menu and he gives a number (1-8) according to what he wants to change as well as the new value.

  • The first one is used when having String such as the name, sport, bio, postion and current_team.

  • The second one is used when having double such as the height and the weight.

  • The third one is used when having int which is the age.

  • getLikes is a int getter method which returns the Likes of an athlete.

  • addLikes is a void method which adds one like to an athlete when a coach likes his profile.

Coaches Class

It is a public class which extends the "Users" class and also implements the Serializable interface. It contains multiple private instance variables which are used to describe the attributes of a Coach.

  • Coaches method is the constructor method of "Coaches" class that calls the constructor of the superclass passing the parameters "usern"(for the username),"p" (for password)and "c" (for choice).

  • setYears is is a void setter method which sets the value of the "years_of_experience" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "y". This method can be called on an instance of the "Coaches" class, and takes an int as an argument, which will be stored in the "years_of_experience" instance variable.

  • getYears is a int getter method which returns the years of experience of a coach.

  • setTeam is a void setter method which sets the value of the "team" instance variable to the value passed in as the parameter "t". This method can be called on an instance of the "Coaches" class, and takes a String as an argument, which will be stored in the "team" instance variable.

  • getTeam is an int getter method that return the team that the coach is in.

Then we have two different edit methods which differ in the type of the attributes they receive depending the type of the instance variables the coach wants to change. The methods are called by the user in main class when he chooses the edit option in the menu and he gives a number (1-6) according to what he wants to change as well as the new value.

  • The first one is used when having an int such as age and years of experience.

  • The second one is used when having String such as name, bio and team.

Chat Class

Chat class is responsible for the chats between athletes and coaches. Messages are stored in an ArrayList<Arraylist<Arraylist>>. The bigger ArrayList contains all the messages of a user. The second bigger ArrayList contains all the messages between two users The smallest Arraylist contains the message sent in the conversation between the two aforementioned users. More specifically, it has the form of <name of sender, message>

  • OpenChat method is used to open a chat between a coach and an athlete. It uses Arraylists to save the messages. It is important to know that only a coach can open a chat.

  • CheckChat method is used to check if there is already a chat between a coach and an athlete. Returns boolean (true if there is a chat and false if there is not). If there is not and open chat and the method is called by an athlete a chat is opened, otherwise it returns error messages to the user.

  • SeeConversation method is used so the user can see the whole conversation between them and a coach/ athlete.

  • SendMessage method is used to send and save a new message. Sender is the user that calls the method and the receiver is given as an argument. The method saves the name of the sender next to their message and inserts them to the Arraylists of both the sender and the receiver.


AthletesActions class is responsible for the actions of the athletes. Everything an athlete can do in our service happens inside AthletesActions.

  • The constractor asigns the object a to an instance variable called athlete

  • showProfile method is used to show the whole profile of the athlete

  • seeWholeConversation method is used to show the whole chat between the athlete and a coach (marked as receiver)

  • sendMessage method is used to send a message to a coach (marked as receiver)


CoachActions class is responsible for the actions of the coaches. Everything a coach can do in our service happens inside CoachActions.

  • The constractor asigns the objects a (ArrayList), c (Coach), n (int) to the instance variables athletesarray, coach, numberOfAthletes respectively

  • showProfile method is used to show the whole profile of the coach\

  • descending(____)Filter methods are used to print all athletes based on a descending (____) filter

  • ascending(____)Filter methods are used to print all athletes based on an ascending (____) filter

  • showAthletes method is used to show groups of 10 athletes. The default filter is descending like filter but the coach can change that. After seeing the athletes the coach is asked whether or not they are interested in reaching out to any of these athletes. If the answer is YES then they open a chat and send a message if the answer is NO they can see the next 10 athletes... and the loop continues.

  • showBasicProfile method is used to show the basic data of the chosen athlete

  • showAllProfile method is used to show all data of the chosen athlete (Basic + Bio)

  • seeWholeConversation method is used to print the whole conversation between the coach and an athlete (marked as receiver)

  • sendNewMessage method is used to send a new message to a chosen athlete (marked as receiver)


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