"What I cannot create, I do not understand" -Richard Feynman
A feed-forward neural network built from scratch (ie. using only numpy, no tensorflow or pytorch) as an exercise to learn machine learning.
There are a lot of tutorials on how to build an NN from scratch, but I challenged myself to come up with my own implementation. I watched 3B1B's series on neural networks and referenced Michael Nielson's online textbook to get a theoretical understanding of NNs.
At the moment, hyperparameters such as the number of layers, the number of neurons in each layer, and activation functions are hardcoded. I might parameterize it later, but my main goal for this project was to learn deep learning, so I'm content with where I am right now. I tested the model on the classic Optical Character Recognition problem using the MNIST hand-written digits dataset and was able to achieve 86.39% test accuracy using the following model architecture:
- Input layer: 784 neurons
- 1st hidden layer: 256 neurons, ReLu
- 2nd hidden layer: 128 neurons, ReLu
- 3rd hidden layer: 64 neurons, ReLu
- 4th hidden layer: 32 neurons, ReLu
- Output layer: 10 neurons, Softmax
- Loss function: Categorical Cross-Entropy
- Optimizer: Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Other hyper-parameters:
- Batch size: 0.3% of training set
- Epochs: 2
- Learning rate scheduling: Reduce on Plateau
- Layers
- Dense
- Optimizers
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (mini-batch)
- Initializers
- Random Uniform
- Xavier Normal
- He Normal
- Activation Functions
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Softmax
- Loss Functions
- Mean Squared Error
- Categorical Cross Entropy
- Learning rate scheduling
- Step decay
- Exponential decay
- Reduce on Plateau
- Other optimization techniques
- gradient clipping
- early stopping with best model checkpointing
Once the implementation is done, test it on the MNIST hand-written digits dataset and get a relatively high accuracy (anything >80%)
Explore some fun deep learning techniques (learning rate schedules, early stopping, different gradient descent variations, hyperparameter tuning, different initialization methods, etc.).
- Update: DONE, tried various LR schedules, early stopping methods, initialization methods, activation functions, and model architectures. Did not implement any other optimizers though (like Adam)
- Refactor model architecture to have flexible number of layers and neurons, and for the user to be able to select features using the CLI
- Implement Adam optimizer, SGD with momentum, and Dropout regularization
- (reach) build a web app to demo the model