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Andras Fuchs edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 3 revisions


I have created a performance test today using Visual Studio 2015. First I opened a file in EDF Browser, opened up the Power Spectrum, and set it to play real-time (Ctrl+Space) for 1.5 minutes. I had to use the Debug build (which is not advised) because I wanted to see the Qt methods in the result-graph.


The report showed that EDF Browser never uses more than one core (max CPU is 25%), and the following methods are the most CPU-intense:

  • 37.9% ViewCurve::paintEvent
  • 16.3% SingalCurve::paintEvent
  • 5.6% UI_SpectrumDockWindow::calculateFFT
  • 3.3% UI_SpectrumDockWindow::compileSignalFromRawData


  • The waveform view (ViewCurve) draws too many lines and in an ineffective way. The typical user doesn't need to see all tiny waveform segments, so that should be optimized.
  • FFT calculation speed is not an issue right now
  • Multi-threading would be nice, but only one thread should draw the UI anyway, so until it's not significantly faster, we don't need it.
  • UI drawing methods should limit framerate (to 50 fps?) to spare CPU power


As the report shows there is a serious memory leak in the current version. The memory usage went up from 190 megabytes to 875 megabytes in just 60 seconds. After taking a few snapshots, it is likely that the Power Spectrum's Vector is the cause of the leak. We should always delete that structure after use or we could even reuse it.

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