This code was written for my master's thesis. For a description of the problem it solves, please see the report.
To run the program, you need to have Csound and Java installed. There is a
packaged JAR file available in this repository. The program takes a number of
arguments, three of which are required: The input audio file, the affecting
audio file and the name of one of the available effects. In order to see more
information, you can pass the --help
java -jar interprocessing-1.0-standalone.jar --help
-i, --affected AFFECTED_AUDIO_FILE Input audio file to be affected by FX processing.
-a, --affector AFFECTING_AUDIO_FILE Audio file whose analyzed features will affect the FX processing.
-d, --debug Print debug information while running.
-e, --effect EFFECT_NAME The effect to be applied. One of: lp-distortion, bp-ringmod, gain
-f, --frame-size FRAME_SIZE The duration of each frame to be analyzed processed. If no frame size
is given, the entire input file is processed in one pass using static
effect parameters.
-h, --help Print this help message.
-m, --max-iterations MAX_ITERATIONS 100 Maximum number of iterations without change for a run of the genetic
-o, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output The directory in which output audio and analysis files should be placed.
-w, --weights FEATURE_WEIGHTS [0.0 0.0 1.0] Three weights separated by commas representing the importance of the mean
centroid, pitch and RMS amplitude values in the evaluation of fitness for
a set of FX parameters. The values must appear in-order, must not contain
negative numbers and must contain at least one value greater than zero.