It is a chatroom application where you can chat with developers in a chatroom for particular topics To Test the group
Account 1 : Username: test1 Password:
Account s : Username: test2 Password:
Download file as zip
Extract it and open with VsCode
Open the VsCode Terminal, and do the following step by step
a) Creating virtual enviornment
python -m venv myenv
b) Launching virtual enviornment
c) Installing all requirements
Used: pip freeze > requirements.txt to get the requirements file
pip install -r requirements.txt
d) Starting server
python runserver
Authentication :
- Login
- Logout
Group :
- User cannot message in any groups without login
- User can ONLY see messages of the group without login
- Only host has permission to edit group details and delete the group
- SEARCH : This search the rooms on basis of Admin name or Topic name
- If any new user send message in any group, User gets added to Group Members List automatically
- CREATE ROOM : User can create room as a Host and the room gets added to Global Chats
- **EDIT ROOM ** : Only Host of the group has permission to edit the group details
- DELETE ROOM : Host can delete its room from the home page itself
Back To All Global Chats:
Logged in as Test User 1
User can only DELETE its own message
User can only DELETE its own message
Developer: Harsh Anand (anand-harsh)