Hi, my name is Ammon Haggerty (@ammonhaggerty)
I love building things. Physical things, digital things, virtual things,
conceptual things.
Things that do smart things. Things that make people happy. Things that make me happy.
I studied LISP in school since I thought it would help me build smart robots, but couldn't figure out how to apply it in real life (until much later).
Discovered DESIGN! Graphic design, typography, letterpress, screen printing, grid systems, color theory, art. I made designs for t-shirts, skateboards, album covers, club flyers,
Re-discovered code. CODE+DESIGN=!!! I spent the next 15 years as a design technologist. Making cool websites for
The Olympics, Redbull, MTV.
Joined a band of pirates call Obscura Digital and we made physical/digital
immersive experiences.
I designed and build hardware displays and
novel computing paradigms.
We designed the
Las Vegas Sphere
for the King of Dubai, but was too much $$ — finally built long after I left.
Went to Microsoft to work with Blaise Aguera y Arcas on fun stull like HoloLens, Cortana, Photosynth,
futuristic wearables.
Ended up deep diving into agentic AI scenarios (we were a little early).
Went to BCG. Don't know why. Playing with the big business boys.
Created an AI startup called
and raised some $$. Built the loyalty program for Starbucks and United Airlines in Haskell (no engineering, just cheerleading). Acquired by BCG.
Started another startup called Joinable aiming to help address the lonliness and isolation epidempic by encouraging 'social fitness'. Ran out of money in a tough funding environment.
Currently exploring creative applications of GenAI — a couple I like quite a lot.
is a music discovery app that mines LLMs for music graph knowledge — showing the relationships between artists, and provides a view into the cultural context of artists, their locations, time, influences, etc.
My AI Twin
is an attempt to build a proxy agent that genuinely projects my creative background and interests as a rich-media experience. It's also research and commentary on issues of privacy, trust, and ethical AI. I've
made parts of the project open
under a Responsible AI License (RAIL), sharing my training corpus for discussion and analysis.
I created the
Agent Negotiation & Exchange Protocol
to help AI-powered personal agents safely negotiate data exchange. The protocol extends FIPA, a 27 year old standard for intelligent agent communication.
Currently hands-on advising some startups:
. Also leading AI product development with
My Work
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