This service is the master of customer orders. It receives orders, charges customer's credit card with a stripe token, saves order details to database, sends receipt of the order and forwards it to Printmotor for printing.
Service handles sensitive customer data, be careful!
- Postgres >=9.5
- Stripe
- Printmotor API
- AWS S3 Bucket (for sending poster images to Printmotor API)
- Postmark (sending order confirmations and other transactional email)
Install Stripe CLI before continuing.
stripe login
and login with your accountIt creates a restricted API key for the Test mode
npm run stripe
once and copy the secret to STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET in .env and then stop the process -
bash ./tools/
If this doesn't work, you can manually run SQL commands from ./tools/init-database.sql in Postgres console.
cp .env.sample .env && cp .env.test.sample .env.test
Fill in the blanks in
source .env
orbash .env
Or use autoenv.
docker-compose up -d
to start docker container (Postgres) in the background -
npm install
npm install -g knex
knex migrate:latest
Run migrations to local database -
knex seed:run
Create seed data to local database -
npm start
Start express server locally -
Server runs at http://localhost:3001
knex migrate:rollback
to rollback the latest batch of migrations -
knex migrate:make <name>
to create a new migration file -
psql postgres://alvar:alvar@localhost:4001/alvar_order
connect to Postgres in docker -
docker-compose logs -f postgres
to see tailing logs of postgres docker container -
docker-compose down
to stop docker containers (Postgres) -
Remove all data from Postgres
docker-compose down docker volume rm postgres
Decrypt logs with
cat logfile.log | dcr --key=$(heroku config:get LOG_ENCRYPT_KEY -a alvarcarto-order-prod)
Copy paste some encrypted stream first from papertrail to a local file. Note that papertrail might split the encrypted part into two lines and then it won't work.
See more options at:
- Node.js express app. Architecture explained here
- Written in ES6
- Winston for logging
- Postgres
heroku addons:create --app alvarcarto-order-prod papertrail
heroku addons:create --app alvarcarto-order-prod heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku addons:create --app alvarcarto-order-prod newrelic
In addition, it needs Postmark.
Migrations and seeds are automatically run in Heroku when you deploy via git push. Migrations are run if knex detects new files in migrations directory. Seeds must be replayable, they must be upsert operations so they can be run on each push.
Commit changes
Check that tests pass, remember to test migrations locally before push
Take manual backup of postgres
heroku pg:backups capture --app alvarcarto-order-prod
Push changes to production environment:
git checkout master git pull git push prod
For testing environments:
You can also release a certain local branch. For example releasing from node branch to dev:
git push dev my-local-branch:master
. -
Check that the environment responds and logs(Papertrail) look ok.
First modify the printmotor-webhook-example.json to have correct order id and printmotor id.
Then run:
curl -XPOST -H"content-type: application/json" -d@docs/printmotor-webhook-example.json