Version 0.2.0
A simple to determine geo coordinates by address trouth Yandex.Maps.
Via npm:
npm install alfabank/ygeocoder.git
From github:
git clone
const YGeoCoder = require('ygeocoder');
const ygc = new YGeoCoder();
.then((geo) => {
console.log(`Координаты Москвы: ${} ${}`);
.catch(() => {
console.log('Координаты Москвы неизвестны');
new YGeoCoder({
// debug flag
debug: false,
// yandex API key
apiKey: '',
// sleep interval between requests, ms
sleep: 30,
// cache options
// cache will work only if db object passed
// alfabank/mydb object
db: db,
// cache table
cacheTable: 'geocoder_cache'
Get coordinates from Yandex.Map. Then function will receive object with lat and lon fields or null.
"params": {
// not use cached results
"noCache": false,
// sleep interval between requests
"sleep": 30