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Crypto Cipher 🔐

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Node.js Cipher cryptograph utility library

Table of Contents

Getting started

The crypto-cipher library provides AES encryption and decryption functionality, supporting both in-memory buffers and streams. It adheres to the NIST SP 800-38D standard recommendations.

⚠️ Note that every performed operation cannot be accomplished client-side and must be executed on a back-end server.

It is part of the crypto utility libraries and can be installed by running the following command:

npm i @alessiofrittoli/crypto-cipher

or using pnpm

pnpm i @alessiofrittoli/crypto-cipher

Key features

  • Supports multiple AES algorithms (CCM, GCM, OCB, CBC) and even chacha20-poly1305.
  • In-memory buffer encryption and decrpytion.
  • Robust support for encrypting and decrypting streams (in-memory and file based), with seamless handling of key/IV extraction.
  • Hybrid encryption methods for combining symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.

Options Management

  • A solid options resolver mechanism ensures consistent handling of defaults and constraints.

Security Considerations

  • Random salt and IV generation.
  • Authenticated encryption modes with proper authTag and Additional Authenticated Data handling.

Readable and Modular

  • Separation of concerns with clear method responsibilities.
  • Comprehensive JSDoc comments enhance maintainability and readability.

API Reference



Defines the minimum, maximum, and default lengths for salt.

Property Value
min 16
max 64
default 32


Defines the minimum, maximum, and default lengths for initialization vectors (IV).

Property Value
min 8
max 32
default 16


Defines the minimum, maximum, and default lengths for authentication tags.

Property Value
min 4
max 16
default 16


Defines the minimum, maximum, and default lengths for additional authenticated data (AAD).

Property Value
min 16
max 4096
default 32


Specifies default AES algorithms for buffer and stream operations.

Operation Algorithm Description
buffer aes-256-gcm Default algorithm used for buffer data encryption/decryption
stream aes-256-cbc Default algorithm used for stream encryption/decryption


Supported AES algorithms:

  • aes-128-gcm
  • aes-192-gcm
  • aes-256-gcm
  • aes-128-ccm
  • aes-192-ccm
  • aes-256-ccm
  • aes-128-ocb
  • aes-192-ocb
  • aes-256-ocb
  • aes-128-cbc
  • aes-192-cbc
  • aes-256-cbc
  • chacha20-poly1305



Encrypts an in-memory data buffer.

⚠️ This is not suitable for large data. Use Cipher.streamEncrypt() or Cipher.hybridEncrypt() methods for large data encryption.

Name Type Description
data CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Data to encrypt.
secret CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Secret key for encryption.
options Cph.Options (Optional) Additional encryption options.


Type: Buffer

  • The encrypted result buffer.


Decrypts an in-memory data buffer.

⚠️ This is not suitable for large data. Use Cipher.streamDecrypt() or Cipher.hybridDecrypt() methods for large data decryption.

Name Type Description
data CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Data to decrypt.
secret CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Secret key for decryption.
options Cph.Options (Optional) Decryption options (must match encryption).


Type: Buffer

  • The decrypted result buffer.


Encrypts a Readable stream to a Writable stream.

Name Type Description
secret CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Secret key for encryption.
options Cph.Stream.Symmetric.EncryptOptions Stream encryption options.


Type: Cph.Stream.Symmetric.EncryptReturnType

  • An object containing:
    • a new instance of crypto.Cipher allowing you to add listeners to the cipher encryption process.
    • the actual encrypt callback that must be called and awaited in order to start the encryption process.


Decrypts a Readable stream to a Writable stream.

Name Type Description
secret CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Secret key for decryption.
options Cph.Stream.Symmetric.DecryptOptions Stream decryption options.


Type: Promise<Cph.Stream.Symmetric.DecryptReturnType>

  • A new Promise that resolves when Key IV extraction completes returning an object containing:
    • a new instance of crypto.Decipher allowing you to add listeners to the decipher decryption process.
    • the actual decrypt callback that must be called and awaited in order to start the decryption process.


Encrypts a stream using hybrid encryption (symmetric + RSA).

Name Type Description
secret CoerceToUint8ArrayInput Symmetric secret key.
publicKey crypto.RsaPublicKey | crypto.KeyLike RSA public key used to encrypt the generated symmetric key.
options Cph.Stream.Hybrid.EncryptOptions Stream encryption options.


Type: Cph.Stream.Hybrid.EncryptReturnType

  • An object containing:
    • a new instance of cipher allowing you to add listeners to the cipher encryption process.
    • the actual encrypt callback that must be called and awaited to start the encryption process.


Decrypts a stream using hybrid decryption (symmetric + RSA).

Name Type Description
privateKey crypto.RsaPrivateKey | crypto.KeyLike RSA private key for used to decrpyt the encrypted symmetric key.
options Cph.Stream.Hybrid.DecryptOptions Stream decryption options.


Type: Promise<Cph.Stream.Hybrid.DecryptReturnType>

  • A new Promise that resolves when Key IV extraction completes returning an object containing:
    • a new instance of crypto.Decipher allowing you to add listeners to the decipher decryption process.
    • the actual decrypt callback that must be called and awaited in order to start the decryption process.



This module supports different input data types and it uses the coerceToUint8Array utility function from @alessiofrittoli/crypto-buffer to convert it to a Uint8Array.


Cipher CBC algorithm types.


Supported AES algorithm types.


Common options in encryption/decryption processes.

Type parameters
Parameter Default Description
T Cph.AesAlgorithm Accepted algorithm in Cph.Options. This is usefull to constraint specifc algorithms.

Property Type Default Description
algorithm T aes-256-gcm | aes-256-cbc Accepted algorithms.
salt number 32 The salt length in bytes. Minimum: 16, Maximum: 64.
iv number 16 The Initialization Vector length in bytes. Minimum: 8, Maximum: 32.
authTag number 16 The authTag length in bytes. Minimum: 4, Maximum: 16.
aad CoerceToUint8ArrayInput - Custom Additional Authenticated Data. aadLength is then automatically resolved. If not provided, a random AAD is generated with a max length of aadLength.
aadLength number 32 The auto generated AAD length in bytes. Minimum: 16, Maximum: 128.


Stream symmetric encryption options.

Property Type Description
input Readable The Readable Stream from where raw data to encrypt is read.
output Writable The Writable Stream where encrypted data is written.


Returnign object from Cipher.streamEncrypt() method.

Property Type Description
cipher crypto.Cipher The crypto.Cipher instance.
encrypt () => Promise<void> The actual encrypt callback that must be called and awaited in order to start the encryption process.


Stream symmetric decryption options.

Property Type Description
input Readable The Readable Stream from where encrypted data is read.
output Writable The Writable Stream where decrypted data is written.


Returnign object from awaited Cipher.streamDecrypt() method.

Property Type Description
decipher crypto.Decipher The crypto.Decipher instance.
decrypt () => Promise<void> The actual decrypt callback that must be called and awaited in order to start the decryption process.


Stream hybrid encryption options.


Returnign object from Cipher.hybridEncrypt() method.


Stream hybrid decryption options.

Property Type Description
rsaKeyLength number The RSA key length in bytes used while encrypting data. This is used to properly extract the encrypted Cipher Key and Initialization Vector from the encrypted data.


Returnign object from awaited Cipher.hybridDecrypt() method.


Importing the library

import { Cipher } from '@alessiofrittoli/crypto-cipher'
import type { Cph as CipherTypes } from '@alessiofrittoli/crypto-cipher/types'

In-memory data buffer encryption/decryption

The simpliest way to encrypt/decrypt in-memory data buffers.

// encrypt
const data      = 'my top-secret data'
const password  = 'my-very-strong-password'

const encrypted = Cipher.encrypt( data, password )

// decrypt
const decrypted = Cipher.decrypt( encrypted, password )
console.log( decrypted ) // Outputs: my top-secret data

In-memory data stream encryption/decryption

The in-memory data stream comes pretty handy when, for example, we need to stream encrypted data within a Server Response or to decrypt stream data from a Server Response.

// /api/stream-encrypt

import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'

const routeHandler = () => {
  const data      = 'my top-secret data'
  const password  = 'my-very-strong-password'
  const stream    = new TransformStream()
  const writer    = stream.writable.getWriter()
  // Create a `Readable` Stream with raw data.
  const input = new Readable( {
      this.push( data )
      this.push( null ) // Signal end of stream
  } )
  // `Writable` Stream where encrypted data is written
  const output = new Writable( {
    write( chunk, encoding, callback )
      writer.write( chunk )
    final( callback )
  } )
  Cipher.streamEncrypt( password, { input, output } )
  return (
    // encrypted stream
    new Response( stream.readable )
Decrypting received stream
// /api/stream-decrypt

import { Transform, Writable } from 'stream'
import { StreamReader } from '@alessiofrittoli/stream-reader'

const password = 'my-very-strong-password'

const routeHandler = () => (
  fetch( '/api/stream-encrypt' )
    .then( response => {

      if ( ! response.body ) {
        return (
          new Respone( null, { status: 400 } )

      const stream  = new TransformStream()
      const writer  = stream.writable.getWriter()
      const reader  = new StreamReader( response.body )
      const input   = new Transform()

      reader.on( 'read', chunk => {
        input.push( chunk )
      } )
      reader.on( 'close', () => {
        input.push( null )
      } )

      const output = new Writable( {
        write( chunk, encoding, callback )
          writer.write( chunk )
        final( callback ) {
      } )
      const { decrypt } = await Cipher.streamDecrypt( password, { input, output } )

      return (
        // decrypted stream
        new Response( stream.readable )
    } )

In-memory data stream with hybrid encryption/decryption

Hybrid encryption offers an higher level of security by encrypting the generated symmetric key with asymmetric RSA keys.

const password  = 'my-very-strong-password'

/** RSA modulus length is required for proper key extraction during decryption process. */
const rsaKeyLength = 512 // bytes
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync( 'rsa', {
  modulusLength       : rsaKeyLength * 8, // 4096 bits
  publicKeyEncoding   : { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' },
  privateKeyEncoding  : { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' },
} )

// or you can optionally set a custom passphrase
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync( 'rsa', {
  modulusLength       : rsaKeyLength * 8, // 4096 bits
  publicKeyEncoding   : { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' },
  privateKeyEncoding  : { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem', passphrase: password, cipher: 'aes-256-cbc' },
} )
const data = 'my top-secret data'
/** Store encrypted chunks for next example. */
const encryptedChunks: Buffer[] = []

// Create a `Readable` Stream with raw data.
const input = new Readable( {
    this.push( data ) // Push data to encrypt
    this.push( null ) // Signal end of stream
} )
// Create a `Writable` Stream where encrypted data is written
const output = new Writable( {
  write( chunk, encoding, callback )
    // push written chunk to `encryptedChunks` for further usage.
    encryptedChunks.push( chunk )
} )

const { encrypt } = Cipher.hybridEncrypt( password, {
  key       : keyPair.publicKey,
  padding   : crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,
  oaepHash  : 'SHA-256',
}, { input, output } )

await encrypt()

/** Store decrypted chunks. */
const chunks: Buffer[] = []
// Create a `Readable` Stream with encrypted data.
const input = new Readable( {
    this.push( Buffer.concat( encryptedChunks ) ) // Push data to decrypt
    this.push( null ) // Signal end of stream
} )

// Create a `Writable` Stream where decrypted data is written
const output = new Writable( {
  write( chunk, encoding, callback )
    chunks.push( chunk )
} )

const { decrypt } = await Cipher.hybridDecrypt(
    key       : keyPair.privateKey,
    passphrase: password, // optional passhrase (required if set while generating keypair).
    padding   : crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,
    oaepHash  : 'SHA-256',
  }, { input, output, rsaKeyLength }

await decrypt()

console.log( Buffer.concat( chunks ).toString() ) // Outputs: 'my top-secret data'

File based data stream encryption/decryption

Nothig differs from the In-memory data stream encryption/decryption example, except for input and output streams which now comes directly from files reading/writing.

Encrypt a file
import fs from 'fs'

const password = 'my-very-strong-password'

// input where raw data to encrypt is read
const input = fs.createReadStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.pdf' )
// output where encrypted data is written
const output = fs.createWriteStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.encrypted' )
// encrypt
await Cipher.streamEncrypt( password, { input, output } )

Decrypt a file
import fs from 'fs'

const password = 'my-very-strong-password'

// input where encrypted data is read
const input = fs.createReadStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.encrypted' )
// output where decrypted data is written
const output = fs.createWriteStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file-decrypted.pdf' )
// decrypt
const { decrypt } = await Cipher.streamDecrypt( password, { input, output } )
await decrypt()

File based data stream with hybrid encryption/decryption

Nothig differs from the In-memory data stream with hybrid encryption/decryption example, except for input and output streams which now comes directly from files reading/writing.

const password  = 'my-very-strong-password'

/** RSA modulus length is required for proper key extraction during decryption process. */
const rsaKeyLength = 512 // bytes
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync( 'rsa', {
  modulusLength       : rsaKeyLength * 8, // 4096 bits
  publicKeyEncoding   : { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' },
  privateKeyEncoding  : { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' },
} )

// or you can optionally set a custom passphrase
const keyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync( 'rsa', {
  modulusLength       : rsaKeyLength * 8, // 4096 bits
  publicKeyEncoding   : { type: 'spki', format: 'pem' },
  privateKeyEncoding  : { type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem', passphrase: password, cipher: 'aes-256-cbc' },
} )
Encrypt a file
import fs from 'fs'

const password = 'my-very-strong-password'

// input where raw data to encrypt is read
const input = fs.createReadStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.pdf' )
// output where encrypted data is written
const output = fs.createWriteStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.encrypted' )
// encrypt
const { encrypt } = Cipher.hybridEncrypt( password, {
  key       : keyPair.publicKey,
  padding   : crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,
  oaepHash  : 'SHA-256',
}, { input, output } )
await encrypt()

Decrypt a file
import fs from 'fs'

const password = 'my-very-strong-password'

// input where encrypted data is read
const input = fs.createReadStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file.encrypted' )
// output where decrypted data is written
const output = fs.createWriteStream( 'my-very-large-top-secret-file-decrypted.pdf' )
// decrypt
const { decrypt } = await Cipher.hybridDecrypt(
    key       : keyPair.privateKey,
    passphrase: password, // optional passhrase (required if set while generating keypair).
    padding   : crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING,
    oaepHash  : 'SHA-256',
  }, { input, output, rsaKeyLength }


Install depenendencies

npm install

or using pnpm

pnpm i

Build the source code

Run the following command to test and build code for distribution.

pnpm build

warnings / errors check.

pnpm lint

Run all the defined test suites by running the following:

# Run tests and watch file changes.
pnpm test:watch

# Run tests in a CI environment.
pnpm test:ci

You can eventually run specific suits like so:

pnpm test:buffer-in-memory
pnpm test:file-symmetric
pnpm test:file-hybrid
pnpm test:stream-symmetric
pnpm test:stream-hybrid
pnpm test:misc

Run tests with coverage.

An HTTP server is then started to serve coverage files from ./coverage folder.

⚠️ You may see a blank page the first time you run this command. Simply refresh the browser to see the updates.



Contributions are truly welcome!
Please refer to the Contributing Doc for more information on how to start contributing to this project.


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, we encourage you to responsibly disclose this and NOT open a public issue. We will investigate all legitimate reports. Email [email protected] to disclose any security vulnerabilities.

Made with ☕

Alessio Frittoli | [email protected]