This is an attempt to port original xbill-2.1 to Phaser3. I've decided to use original artwork as I'm not a graphics designer and lack those skills.
WARNING: This is still incomplete and work-in-progress.
Put all the files in a web server, and browse it! or
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Serve locally:
npx serve
- Open in browser:
DISCLAMER : I'm neither a JS developer nor a fan of javascript. So this code isn't a state of art programming. If you don't like anything about it, feel free to send a PR!
DISCLAMER++: Also what a better place to put this software, on a M$'s own site as a joke.
Original Programming by: Main Programmer: Brian Wellington [email protected] Programming & graphics (v2.0 and earlier): Matias Duarte [email protected]
Download the original code from: