React based single page application that leverages the GitHub REST API.
This is a simple app that takes a username input. If the input is a valid GitHub username, then that user's name (if available) and number of public repositories are displayed. A warning message is returned if the username is invalid.
This project was undertaken to aid in learning React and act as a demo for the following concepts:
- Compositional React component patterns
- React project directory structure
- Leveraging the MUI component library
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To get this project up and running on your local system you'll need both npm and node.js installed on your development system.
To install all dependencies required for the project, clone or download the source cd
into the project root and from your terminal run:
npm install
The project uses Create React App, which includes a local development server cd
into the project root and run the following command from the terminal:
npm start
Create React App will build a development version of the app. The localhost / local network preview address will be printed to the console.
To build a production copy for deployment cd
into the project root and run the following command from your terminal:
npm run build
- React – JavaScript UI development library
- MUI – Material UI component library
- Cypress – JavaScript testing framework
Built by Andrew Duncombe – ajduncombe
This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE.txt file for details.