A tree-sitter grammar for Coconut.
This is very much a work in progress.
Below are Coconut features and their implementation status in this grammar.
- lambda syntax
- partial application
- pipes
- in-place pipes
- lambda as last argument of pipes
- for backwards pipes
- piping into
(<name> := .)
to assign to a<name>
- function composition
- basic implementation
- in-place operators
- finish tests
- highlight queries
- iterator slicing
- implementation
- tests
- highlights
- where statements
Function Definition
- assignment functions
- basic implementation
- finish tests
- assignment functions
tests for highlights
cargo install tree-sitter-cli
You can see how the grammar works for syntax highlighting by trying it out in the helix editor.
Add the following to your language.toml file:
name = "coconut"
scope = "source.coconut"
injection-regex = "coconut"
file-types = ["coco"]
shebangs = ["coconut"]
roots = ["pyproject.toml", "setup.py", "poetry.lock", "pyrightconfig.json"]
comment-token = "#"
# language-servers = [ "pylsp" ]
# TODO: pyls needs utf-8 offsets
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
name = "coconut"
# source = { git = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python", rev = "4bfdd9033a2225cc95032ce77066b7aeca9e2efc" }
source = { path = "/PATH/TO/THIS/REPO"}
Helix uses syntax highlighting and indentation queries from it's own runtime directory, not from the tree-sitter package (because Helix uses some of its own names in the queries). So, for now we can do something like this:
$ ln -s $PWD/queries/helix ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/coconut
Later, the queries/helix
folder should probably become a pull request into helix's source.
$ hx --grammar fetch
$ hx --grammar build
$ hx --health coconut
Now try opening a coconut file in helix, and you should have syntax highlighting!