Publicly available sample apps of InMobi providing simple integration steps. InMobi will add the latest SDK along with the change logs for the release.
The following environment is required to run the Sample apps
Xcode 10.2 and above
InMobi SDK 9.x.x
iOS 9.0 and above
Important: Make sure you have the latest version of pod installed after that you need to simply do
pod install
in the project directory
Three sample apps are provided as per Ad Formats
The latest InMobi iOS SDK is available in the InMobi folder along with its change logs.
To run the sample apps, open any of the Ad Format's .xcodeproj file with Xcode 9.0. For example, to run a Banner's sample, open the BannerSample.xcodeproj in the BannerSample folder and run via Xcode.
These sample apps are provided under MIT license. For more information, please see the LICENSE file. For information about InMobi SDK's license, please see the InMobi folder.
- Add ability to compile SDK on Xcode 10.2 onwards
- Bug Fixes
- Add support for IAB GDPR consent string
- Update OMSDK to v1.2.19
- Seperate Moat SDK from InMobi SDK and add as an optional dependency
- Completely remove UIWebView from the SDK
- Bug Fixes
Changes to support iOS 13.
New and improved Modularised SDK design.
- Add InMobiMediationSDK.framework to your project for AerServ Mediation.
SKStoreProductViewController crash fix.
Removed Support for iOS 8.
Removed Support for AerServ Native ad format.
Removed UIWebView from InMobi SDK. Viewability Partners might be using it.
Size reduction for both Framework and ipa inflation.
Various Bug Fixes and performance improvements.
Adapter updates for the following mediation partners: * MoPub - v5.9.0 * Google Mobile Ads - v7.50.0
APIs Added
- IMBanner Class
- -(void)cancel;
- IMInterstitial Class
- -(void)cancel;
APIs Removed
- ASAdView Class
- @property (nonatomic, assign) ASEnvironmentType env;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) ASPlatformType platform;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isMuted;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL outlineAd;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL sizeAdToFit;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useHeaderBidding;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* keyWords;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowAdvertiserCloseButton;
- -(void)forceRefreshAd;
- -(CGSize)adContentSize;
- -(void)rotateToOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)newOrientation; - -(void)play; - -(void)pause;
- ASAdViewDelegate Protocol
- -(void)willLeaveApplicatonFromAd:(ASAdView*)adView;
- -(void)adSizeChanged:(ASAdView*)adView;
- -(void)adView:(ASAdView*)adView didFireAdvertiserEventWithMessage:(NSString*)msg;
- ASInterstitialViewController Class
- @property (nonatomic, assign) ASEnvironmentType env;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) ASPlatformType platform;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isMuted;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showOutline;
- @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useHeaderBidding; - -(void)play; - -(void)pause;
- ASInterstitialViewControllerDelegate Protocol
- -(void)interstitialViewControllerAdInteraction:(ASInterstitialViewController*)viewController;
- -(void)interstitialViewController:(ASInterstitialViewController*)viewController didFireAdvertiserEventWithMessage:(NSString*)msg;
- TRC Removal
- Caching Removal
- Mraid Viewable Defintion Change
- Bug fixes
- Audience bidding support for DFP
- SDK size Reduction
- New api to set slot size for Banner in Audience Bidding
- Bug fixes
- Adapter updates for the following mediation partners: * AdColony - 3.3.8 * Facebook - 5.3.2
- Bug fixes
- Audience bidding support for AppNexus
- Added bid response support for Audience bidding
- Added DFP Custom Event support
- Bug fixes
- Addressing issue with layering of FAN banners upon refresh
- Audience bidding support for APS
- Additional support for higher granularity keywords
- Audience bidding support for MoPub
- Adapter updates for the following mediation partners:
- AdColony - 3.3.6
- AppLovin - 6.1.4
- Chartboost - 7.3.0
- Facebook - 5.1.0
- Flurry - 9.2.3
- MoPub - 5.4.1
- MyTarget - 4.8.8
- Vungle - 6.3.2
- OneMobile AOL (Millennial Media) - 6.8.2
- Vungle - 6.3.2
- Unity - 3.0.0
- Deprecated Tremor support
- Deprecated Flurry banner support
- Added support for additional reporting for AppLovin and Chartboost
- Bug fixes
- Mediation bug fixes
- Added mediation support
- Bug fixes
- Added OMSDK support
- Unification of InMobi and AerServ SDK
- Support for iOS 12
- Block auto-redirection of ads without user interaction
- Bug Fixes
Added callback for native ads on audio state change.
Fixed issue with SKStore where both SKStore and AppStore were opening on user-click.
Memory optimisation for banner ads.
Main thread sanity for Native ads,
Bug Fixes
APIs Added
- IMNative Class
- -(void)native:(IMNative*)native adAudioStateChanged:(BOOL)audioState;
- Fixed a bug related to creative id api.
- Fixed a remote crash which can happen due to config update.
Added support for GDPR compliance
Added skip callback to Native Ads
Removed support for iOS 7 devices. SDK will not initialise if the device is below iOS 8 [iOS 8 is deprecated as of v7.0.0]
Fixed a crash in carousel ads
Performance improvement by offloading certain tasks to the background threads
Bug Fixes
APIs Added
- IMSDK class
- +(void)initWithAccountID:(NSString )accountID consentDictionary: (NSDictionary) consentDictionary;
- +(void) updateGDPRConsent:(NSDictionary *)consentDictionary;
- IMCommonConstants class
- #define IM_GDPR_CONSENT_AVAILABLE @"gdpr_consent_available"
- IMNativeDelegate class
- -(void)userDidSkipPlayingMediaFromNative:(IMNative*)native;
APIs Removed
- IMSDK class
- +(void)setNationality:(NSString*)nationality
- +(void)setEthnicity:(IMSDKEthnicity)ethnicity;
- +(void)setHouseholdIncome:(IMSDKHouseholdIncome)income;
- +(void)setIncome:(unsigned int)income;
- IMCommonConstants class
-typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger, IMSDKEthnicity) { kIMSDKEthnicityHispanic = 1, kIMSDKEthnicityCaucasian, kIMSDKEthnicityAsian, kIMSDKEthnicityAfricanAmerican, kIMSDKEthnicityOther };
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, IMSDKHouseholdIncome) { kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBelow5kUSD = 1, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween5kAnd10kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween10kAnd15kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween15kAnd20kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween20kAnd25kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween25kAnd50kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween50kAnd75kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween75kAnd100kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeBetween100kAnd150kUSD, kIMSDKHouseholdIncomeAbove150kUSD };
- Bug Fixes
- Support for iPhone X
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
- Bug Fixes
Consolidated change-logs for v6.9.0, v6.9.1 and v6.9.2
Bug Fixes
Better Metrics collection
Changes to support iOS 11
Remove support for iOS 7
Deprecating support for iOS 8
Brand new Native Ad solution:
- Native ads can now support videos, carousel and static Ad types
- Prefetching Native Ads for better load times
- Better way to customize the Ad to match the App’s native environment
Interactive Video Ad Experience:
- Brand new video Ad experience to increase user engagement in Interstitial Ad Format
Rich End Cards:
- Engaging end-cards are now supported via Rich-Media End-cards
Support for GIF images
Performance improvements
APIs Added
- IMNative class
- -(UIView*)primaryViewOfWidth:(CGFloat)width;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* customAdContent;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* adTitle;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* adDescription;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UIImage* adIcon;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* adCtaText;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* adRating;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL* adLandingPageUrl;
- @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isAppDownload;
- -(BOOL)isReady;
- -(void)reportAdClickAndOpenLandingPage;
- IMNativeDelegate
- -(void)native:(IMNative*)native rewardActionCompletedWithRewards:(NSDictionary*)rewards;
- -(void)native:(IMNative*)native didInteractWithParams:(NSDictionary*)params;
- -(void)nativeDidFinishPlayingMedia:(IMNative*)native;
APIs Removed
- IMNativeStrands class
- @interface IMNativeStrands : NSObject
- @property (nonatomic, weak) iddelegate;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* keywords;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras;
- -(instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId position:(NSInteger)position;
- -(instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId;
- -(void)load;
- -(UIView*)strandsView;
- (void)recycleView;
- (CGSize)strandsViewSize;
- IMNativeStrandsDelegate protocol
- @interface IMNativeStrands : NSObject
- -(void)nativeStrandsDidFinishLoading:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrands:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands didFailToLoadWithError:(IMRequestStatus*)error;
- -(void)nativeStrandsWillPresentScreen:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsDidPresentScreen:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsWillDismissScreen:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsDidDismissScreen:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)userWillLeaveApplicationFromNativeStrands:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsAdImpressed:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsAdClicked:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- IMNative class
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* adContent;
- +(void)bindNative:(IMNative*)native toView:(UIView*)view;
- +(void)unBindView:(UIView*)view;
- -(void)reportAdClick:(NSDictionary*)params;
- -(void)reportAdClickAndOpenLandingURL:(NSDictionary*)params;
- Added Prefetching for Native Ads
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Added support for in-feed video ads
- Fixed a typo in IMSDKHouseholdIncome enum
- Now Interstitial ad formats can have transparent background
- Bug Fixes
- Added Auto close support for Native Fullscreen ads
- Minor enhancements for customization in Video ads
- Crash in scrollable asset fixed
- Bug Fixes
- Removed dependencies on EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks
Fully compliant with iOS 10
Deprecating support for iOS 7
Integrates as a drag-drop replacement framework
Added support for WKWebview
Brand new video solution:
- Drag-drop library upgrade for existing SDK 5xx.
- High render rates
- Stall free video experience
- No Java Script
- Enormous data savings for users
- Better security and monetization
Added support for easier integration.
Added support for better debugging.
Support for IPV6.
Bug fixes
A new delegate method introduced in IMInterstitialDelegate to indicate fetch completion of the ad.
A new delegate method have been introduced in IMNative to indicate impression tracking of the ad view.
Two new delegate methods have been introduced in IMNativeStrandsDelegate to indicate impression tracking of the ad view and click of the ad view.
Removed support for IMStrandTableViewAdapter
APIs Added
- IMInterstitialDelegate
- -(void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial;
- IMNativeDelegate
- -(void)nativeAdImpressed:(IMNative*)native;
- IMNativeStrandsDelegate
- -(void)nativeStrandsAdImpressed:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
- -(void)nativeStrandsAdClicked:(IMNativeStrands*)nativeStrands;
APIs Removed
- IMStrandTableViewAdapter class
- @interface IMStrandTableViewAdapter : NSObject
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* keywords;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras;
- (instancetype)adapterWithTableView:(UITableView *)tableView placementId:(long long)placementId adPositioning:(IMStrandPosition *)positioning tableViewCellClass:(Class)tableViewCellClass;
- (void)load;
- (void) clearAds;
- UITableView (IMStrandTableViewAdapter) category
- (void)im_setStrandAdapter:(IMStrandTableViewAdapter *)adapter;
- (IMStrandTableViewAdapter *)im_strandAdapter;
- (void)im_setDataSource:(id)dataSource;
- (id)im_dataSource;
- (void)im_setDelegate:(id)delegate;
- (id)im_delegate;
- (void)im_beginUpdates;
- (void)im_endUpdates;
- (void)im_reloadData;
- (void)im_insertRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_moveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)newIndexPath;
- (void)im_insertSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_deleteSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_reloadSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_moveSection:(NSInteger)section toSection:(NSInteger)newSection;
- (UITableViewCell *)im_cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (id)im_dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier forIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (void)im_deselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForRowAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForSelectedRow;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForRowsInRect:(CGRect)rect;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForSelectedRows;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForVisibleRows;
- (CGRect)im_rectForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (void)im_scrollToRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath atScrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)im_selectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath animated:(BOOL)animated scrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition;
- (NSArray *)im_visibleCells;
- Crash fix in Native Strands.
- SDK now takes the location information only when the publisher has taken the permissions from the user.
- Minor Bug Fixes
A new Ad Format Native Strands is added.
Minor Bug Fixes
APIs Added
- IMStrandPosition class
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSMutableOrderedSet *fixedPositions;
- @property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSUInteger stride;
- (instancetype)positioning;
- (void)addFixedIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (void)enableRepeatingPositionsWithStride:(NSUInteger)stride;
- IMNativeStrands Class
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *keywords
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *extras
- (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId position:(NSInteger)position
- (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId
- (void)load
- (UIView *)strandsView
- (void)recycleView
- (CGSize)strandsViewSize
- IMStrandTableViewAdapter class
- @interface IMStrandTableViewAdapter : NSObject
- @property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* keywords;
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras;
- (instancetype)adapterWithTableView:(UITableView *)tableView placementId:(long long)placementId adPositioning:(IMStrandPosition *)positioning tableViewCellClass:(Class)tableViewCellClass;
- (void)load;
- (void) clearAds;
- UITableView (IMStrandTableViewAdapter) category
- (void)im_setStrandAdapter:(IMStrandTableViewAdapter *)adapter;
- (IMStrandTableViewAdapter *)im_strandAdapter;
- (void)im_setDataSource:(id)dataSource;
- (id)im_dataSource;
- (void)im_setDelegate:(id)delegate;
- (id)im_delegate;
- (void)im_beginUpdates;
- (void)im_endUpdates;
- (void)im_reloadData;
- (void)im_insertRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_moveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)newIndexPath;
- (void)im_insertSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_deleteSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_reloadSections:(NSIndexSet *)sections withRowAnimation:(UITableViewRowAnimation)animation;
- (void)im_moveSection:(NSInteger)section toSection:(NSInteger)newSection;
- (UITableViewCell *)im_cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (id)im_dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier forIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (void)im_deselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForRowAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;
- (NSIndexPath *)im_indexPathForSelectedRow;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForRowsInRect:(CGRect)rect;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForSelectedRows;
- (NSArray *)im_indexPathsForVisibleRows;
- (CGRect)im_rectForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
- (void)im_scrollToRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath atScrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)im_selectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath animated:(BOOL)animated scrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition;
- (NSArray *)im_visibleCells;
- Fix namespace conflicts by creating a single master object file.
- Bug fixed in Native Ads for detecting potential fraud.
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Detect potential fraud from auto-redirecting ads.
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash related to -[IMRenderView canProcessURL:]
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Improved video ads performance
- Removed support for iOS 6
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues related to building with the -all_load flag
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed Bitcode Support
- Updated the deployment target to correctly build on iOS 6.0
- Minor bug fixes
Support for iOS 9 added
Bitcode enabled SDK
Support for Crash Reporting added
Deprecated support for iOS 6
Removed support for iOS 5
Mandatory time interval of 20s between successive ad loads
SKStore user experience enhancements
Analytics support removed
Minor Bug Fixes
APIs added
- IMSdk class
- (void)setAgeGroup:(IMSDKAgeGroup)ageGroup
- (void)setYearOfBirth:(NSInteger)yearOfBirth
- (void)setHouseholdIncome:(IMSDKHouseholdIncome)income
- (void)setNationality:(NSString*)nationality
- IMBanner class
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame placementId:(long long)placementId delegate:(id)delegate
- (void)setRefreshInterval:(NSInteger)interval
- (void)shouldAutoRefresh:(BOOL)refresh
- IMInterstitial class @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras
- (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId delegate:(id)delegate
- (BOOL)isReady
- (void)showFromViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- IMNative class
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary* extras
- (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId delegate:(id)delegate
- (void)reportAdClickAndOpenLandingURL:(NSDictionary *)params
- IMCustomNative class
- (void)bindNative:(IMNative*)native toView:(UIView )view withImpressionTrackerScript:(NSString)impressionTracker;
- (void)bindNative:(IMNative*)native toView:(UIView )view withImpressionTrackerURL:(NSURL)impressionTrackerURL
- (void)reportAdClick:(NSDictionary*)extras withCustomClickTrackerScript:(NSString*)clickTracker;
- (void)reportAdClick:(NSDictionary*)extras withCustomClickTrackerURL:(NSURL*)clickTrackerURL;
- (void)reportAdClickAndOpenLandingURL:(NSDictionary*)extras withCustomClickTrackerScript:(NSString*)clickTracker;
- (void)reportAdClickAndOpenLandingURL:(NSDictionary*)extras withCustomClickTrackerURL:(NSURL*)clickTrackerURL;
- IMRequestStatus class
- (instancetype)initWithDomain:(NSString *)domain code:(IMStatusCode)code userInfo:(NSDictionary *)dict
- IMBannerDelegate class
- (void)bannerDidPresentScreen:(IMBanner *)banner
- (void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner rewardActionCompletedWithRewards:(NSDictionary *)rewards
- IMInterstitialDelegate class
- (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial rewardActionCompletedWithRewards:(NSDictionary *)rewards
- (void)interstitialDidPresent:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
- IMNativeDelegate class
- (void)nativeDidDismissScreen:(IMNative *)native
- (void)nativeDidPresentScreen:(IMNative *)native
- (void)nativeWillDismissScreen:(IMNative *)native
- (void)nativeWillPresentScreen:(IMNative *)native
- (void)userWillLeaveApplicationFromNative:(IMNative *)native
- IMSdk class
APIs updated
Moved APIs from InMobi class to IMSdk
IMSdk Class + (void)initialize:(NSString *)publisherAppId updated to + (void)initWithAccountID:(NSString *)accountID
(void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude longitude:(CGFloat)longitude accuracy:(CGFloat)accuracyInMeters updated to +(void)setLocation:(CLLocation*)location
(void)setLogLevel:(IMLogLevel)logLevel updated to +(void)setLogLevel:(IMSDKLogLevel)desiredLogLevel
- (void)addUserID:(IMUserId)userId withValue:(NSString )idValue updated to +(void)addId:(NSString)identifier forType:(IMSDKIdType)type
(void)removeUserID:(IMUserId)userId updated to +(void)removeIdType:(IMSDKIdType)type
IMBanner Class @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *appId updated to @property (nonatomic) long long placementId
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIViewAnimationTransition refreshAnimation
updated to @property (nonatomic) UIViewAnimationTransition transitionAnimation
(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame appId:(NSString *)appId adSize:(int)adSize updated to - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame placementId:(long long)placementId
(void)loadBanner updated to - (void)load
IMInterstitial Class
- (id)initWithAppId:(NSString *)appId updated to - (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId
(void)loadInterstitial updated to - (void)load
- (void)presentInterstitialAnimated:(BOOL)animated updated to - (void)showFromViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController withAnimation:(IMInterstitialAnimationType)type
IMNative Class @property (atomic, strong) NSString *content updated to @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *adContent
(id)initWithAppId:(NSString *)appId updated to - (instancetype)initWithPlacementId:(long long)placementId
(void)attachToView:(UIView )view updated to + (void)bindNative:(IMNative)native toView:(UIView*)view
(void)detachFromView updated to + (void)unBindView:(UIView*)view
(void)handleClick:(NSDictionary *)params updated to - (void)reportAdClick:(NSDictionary *)params
(void)loadAd updated to - (void)load
IMBannerDelegate class
(void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(IMError *)error updated to - (void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner didFailToLoadWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error
(void)bannerDidInteract:(IMBanner *)banner withParams:(NSDictionary *)dictionary updated to - (void)banner:(IMBanner *)banner didInteractWithParams:(NSDictionary *)params
(void)bannerDidReceiveAd:(IMBanner *)banner updated to - (void)bannerDidFinishLoading:(IMBanner *)banner
(void)bannerWillLeaveApplication:(IMBanner *)banner updated to - (void)userWillLeaveApplicationFromBanner:(IMBanner *)banner
IMInterstitialDelegate Class
(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)ad didFailToPresentScreenWithError:(IMError *)error updated to - (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didFailToPresentWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error
(void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)ad didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(IMError *)error updated to - (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didFailToLoadWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error
(void)interstitialDidDismissScreen:(IMInterstitial *)ad updated to - (void)interstitialDidDismiss:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
(void)interstitialDidInteract:(IMInterstitial *)ad withParams:(NSDictionary *)dictionary updated to - (void)interstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial didInteractWithParams:(NSDictionary *)params
(void)interstitialDidReceiveAd:(IMInterstitial *)ad updated to - (void)interstitialDidFinishLoading:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
(void)interstitialWillDismissScreen:(IMInterstitial *)ad updated to - (void)interstitialWillDismiss:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
(void)interstitialWillLeaveApplication:(IMInterstitial *)ad updated to - (void)userWillLeaveApplicationFromInterstitial:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
(void)interstitialWillPresentScreen:(IMInterstitial *)ad updated to - (void)interstitialWillPresent:(IMInterstitial *)interstitial
IMNativeDelegate class
(void)nativeAd:(IMNative *)native didFailWithError:(IMError *)error updated to - (void)native:(IMNative *)native didFailToLoadWithError:(IMRequestStatus *)error
(void)nativeAdDidFinishLoading:(IMNative *)native updated to - (void)nativeDidFinishLoading:(IMNative *)native
APIs removed
- IMSDK class
- (void)setDeviceIdMask:(IMSDKDeviceIdMask)mask
- (void)setDateOfBirth:(NSDate *)dateOfBirth
- (void)setDateOfBirthWithMonth:(NSUInteger)month day:(NSUInteger)day year:(NSUInteger)year
- (void)setSexualOrientation:(IMSexualOrientation)sexualOrientation
- (void)setHasChildren:(IMHasChildren)children
- (void)setMaritalStatus:(IMMaritalStatus)status
- IMBanner class
@property (nonatomic) int adSize
@property (nonatomic) long long slotId
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* refTagKey
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* refTagVal
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *additionaParameters
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame slotId:(long long)slotId
- (void)stopLoading
- IMInterstitial class @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *additionaParameters @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString appId @property (nonatomic) long long slotId @property (nonatomic, weak) NSObject incentivisedDelegate @property (readonly) IMInterstitialState state - (id)initWithSlotId:(long long)slotId - (void)stopLoading * IMNative class @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString refTagKey @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString refTagVal @property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *additionaParameters
- IMIncentivisedDelegate class
- IMError class
- InMobiAnalytics class
- IMSDK class
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- Support for iOS 8
- Support for attribute API
- Location based enhancements
- Dropping support for iOS 4.3
- Other minor bug fixes
- Fix for SKStore issue
- Other minor bug fixes
- Mraid enhancements for orientation lock
- Introduced Video instant play capability
- Minor Bug fixes
- Deprecating support for iOS 4.3
- MRAID enhancements
- Added support for Calendar Events. Requires EventKit.framework and EventKitUI.framework to be added.
- Reward Ads support
- Security related improvements
- Including Sample App for Native Ads
- Minor Bug fixes
- Support for Native ads
- Hang fix for InApp store in iOS 6
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor fix for call click to action.
- Minor bug fixes.
- 64 bit compatible.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a crash scenario when releasing the Banner instance at ad failure callback.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- iOS 7 compliant.
- Supports new innovative ad formats.
- Built in Analytics.
- Supports user Segmentation and Cross promotion.
- MRAID 2.0 support added.
- Added "https" support.
- Removed NSURLCache.
- Introduced transparent interstitial ad.
- Added SKStoreProductViewController for in-app context downloads.
- Device uniqueIdentifier (UDID) is no longer being collected.
- Added Frameworks
- StoreKit
- AudioToolBox
- Optional Frameworks
(Add these frameworks to provide additional capabilities for rich user experience.)
- Social
- APIs added
- IMAdInterstitial:
@property(nonatomic,assign) IMAdMode adMode;
- (id)initWithAppId:(NSString *)appId slotId:(long long)slotId;
- (void)presentInterstitialAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
- IMAdView:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame imAppId:(NSString *)appId imAdSize:(int)adSize imSlotId:(long long)slotId;
- IMAdInterstitial:
@property(nonatomic,assign) IMAdMode adMode;
- APIs deprecated
- IMAdInterstitial:
- (void)presentFromRootViewController:(UIViewController *)rootViewController animated:(BOOL)_animated;
- IMAdView:
@property (nonatomic, assign) UIViewController *rootViewController;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame imAppId:(NSString *)appId imAdSize:(int)adSize rootViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
- (void)setAdTextColor:(NSString *)color;
- (void)setAdBackgroundColor:(NSString *)bgcolor;
- (void)setAdBackgroundGradientWithTopColor:(NSString *)topcolor bottomColor:(NSString *)bottomcolor;
- (BOOL)shouldRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation;
- IMAdRequest: @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL testMode;
- IMAdInterstitial:
- Removed dependencies on the '''PassKit''' framework.
- Fixed minor issues with NSURLCache.
- Fixed minor issues.
- Passing hashed UDID with this release. Added option to easily disable any Device ID using Device ID collection masks.
- Fixed minor issues.
- Fixed minor issues.
- Bug fixes.
- iOS 6 support added.
- CoreLocation framework dependency removed.
- CoreTelephony, AdSupport, and PassKit frameworks dependency added.
- Introduction of InMobiCommons SDK. InMobiAdNetwork SDK has dependency on InMobiCommons SDK. Both should be included in the project as mentioned in the integration guidelines. Ensure that the InMobiAdNetwork and InMobiCommons libraries are from the latest release bundle. Refer to Apple documentation on the API exposed.
-API Changes
Class Added IMCommonUtil
Properties and Methods Added IMCommonUtil.h
- (void)setLogLevel:(IMLogLevelType)logLevel;
- (IMLogLevelType)getLogLevel;
- (void)setDeviceIdMask:(IMDeviceIdMask)deviceIdMask;
- (IMDeviceIdMask)getDeviceIdMask;
- (NSString *)getReleaseVersion;
IMAdView.h @property (nonatomic, assign) int imAdSize; @property (nonatomic, assign) long long imSlotId; @property (nonatomic, assign) UIViewAnimationTransition refreshAnimation;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame imAppId:(NSString *)appId imSlotId:(long long)slotId imAdSize:(int)adSize rootViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController;
- (void)stopLoading;
IMAdInterstitial.h @property (nonatomic, assign) long long imSlotId;
- (void)stopLoading;
- (void)setDateOfBirthWithMonth:(NSUInteger)m day:(NSUInteger)d year:(NSUInteger)y;
- (void)setLocationWithLatitude:(CGFloat)latitude longitude:(CGFloat)longitude accuracy:(CGFloat)accuracyInMeters;
Class Removed IMSDKUtil
Properties and Methods Removed IMAdView.h @property (nonatomic, assign) int imAdUnit; @property (nonatomic, assign) int animationType;
Properties and Methods Modified Logging methods moved from IMSDKUtil to the IMCommonUtil class. IMDeviceIdMask moved from IMAdRequest to the IMCommonUtil class.
New Error Codes Introduced in IMAdError.h kIMAdNetworkFetchTimedOut - When the ad fetch time is more than 1 minute. kIMAdNetworkRenderingTimedOut - When the ad rendering time is more than 1 minute.
- Included the slotId parameter.
- Fixed minor issues occurring during MRAID events.
- Included the uniqueIdentifier property of the device as a part of the ad request. In compliance with the relevant iOS policies, before using this version, Publishers must obtain user consent for sending device identifier information.
- Fixed earlier issue of a UIScrollView not scrolling to top when creating an instance of IMAdView.
- Fixed minor issues in the IMSDKUtil class.
- Fixed minor issues occurring during beaconing events.
- Fixed minor issues occurring while refreshing an expanded ad.
- The uniqueIdentifier property of UIDevice class is no longer used.
- Fixed earlier multiple redirection issues.
- Fixed crash in IMAdRequest class.
- Fixed issue of app tracker callback going to internal URL.
- Fixed alignment issues of expanded ads.
- Removed the Core Location framework from the SDK. Core Location is no longer a mandatory framework required to link with SDK i350.
- Added 'MediaPlayer', 'Security', and 'AVFoundation' frameworks to SDK i350.
- API added
- (BOOL)shouldRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation;
IMAdRequest.h typedef enum { ID_LOGIN, ID_SESSION } IMIDType;
typedef enum { DeviceID_NONE = 1 << 0, DeviceID_ODIN1 = 1 << 1 } DeviceIDMask; @property (nonatomic,assign) CLLocation *location; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *loginID; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *sessionID;
- (void)setLocationWithCity:(NSString *)_city state:(NSString *)_state country:(NSString *)_country;
- (void) addIDType:(IDType)idType withValue: (NSString *)value;
- Properties Removed
- IMAdRequest.h @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isLocationEnquiryAllowed;
- Suppressed location update requests in IMAdView's constructor.
- Fixed minor issue in IMAdView's loadIMAdRequest: method.
- Fixed linker errors for the IMReachabilityPrivate class.
- Fixed ad alignment issues.
- Fixed a minor memory leak issue.