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adayton1 edited this page Dec 2, 2014 · 1 revision


Testing the site:

  • First the user will come to the start up page (shown in start-screen.jpg).
  • If they do not have an account they can click the Try It Out button, which will take them to the summary page (home-page-no-budget.jpg)
  • On the summary page, they have several options: to create a budget, to report income, or to report expenses. This is also what the user will view if they click the Try It Out button on the start up page.

Creating an account:

  • First the user will come to the start up page (shown in start-screen.jpg).
  • If they do not have an account they can click a button to register for an account, which will take them to the account creation page (create-account.jpg)
  • From there they can click create and they are taken to the summary page (home-page-no-budget.jpg)
  • On the summary page, they have several options: to create a budget, to report income, or to report expenses. This is also what the user will view if they click the Try It Out button on the start up page.

Signing in:

  • First the user will come to the start up page (shown in start-screen.jpg).
  • They can click the Sign In button and enter their login information
  • If they have a budget already, they will be taken to the summary page shown in home-page-with-budget.jpg. Otherwise they will be taken to the summary page shown in home-page-no-budget.jpg. On the summary page, they have several options: to create a budget, to report income, or to report expenses. This is also what the user will view if they click the Try It Out button on the start up page.

Creating a budget:

  • The user will click the button to create a budget and be taken to the budget creation page (create-budget.jpg)
  • On the budget creation page, they can add categories (such as groceries, rent, etc...) and the amount to budget for each category
  • If they click create, it will save their budget and take them to the summary page (home-page-with-budget.jpg)
  • If they click Cancel it will immediately take them back to the summary page (home-page-no-budget.jpg or home-page-with-budget.jpg if they already have an active budget)

Editing a budget:

  • The user must already have a budget for this option to be available
  • The user will click the button to edit a budget and be taken to the budget editing page (edit-budget.jpg)
  • On the budget creation page, they can change or delete existing categories, and/or add new ones
  • If they click Save Changes, it will save their budget and take them to the summary page (home-page-with-budget.jpg)
  • If they click Cancel, they will immediately be taken back to the summary page (home-page-with-budget.jpg)

Reporting income:

  • The user will click the button to report income and be taken to the income reporting page (report-income.jpg)
  • The user then fills out the necessary information
  • If the user clicks Cancel, they will immediately be taken back to the summary page (home-page-with-budget.jpg)
  • If the user clicks Add, the income will be saved and the user will be taken back to the summary page
  • If the user checks the box to report another and then clicks Add, the income will be saved and the same page will be shown again.

Editing income:

  • The user can click a button to edit income and be taken to a list of all reported income
  • They can choose which one they want to edit and be taken to a page just like reporting income, but there will be no report another checkbox and the Add button will say Save Changes
  • The user would be taken back to the main summary page

Reporting expenses:

  • The user will click the button to report expenses and be taken to the expenses reporting page (report-expense.jpg)
  • The user then fills out the necessary information
  • If the user clicks Cancel, they will immediately be taken back to the summary page (home-page-with-budget.jpg)
  • If the user clicks Add, the expense will be saved and the user will be taken back to the summary page
  • If the user checks the box to report another and then clicks Add, the expense will be saved and the same page will be shown again.

Editing expenses:

  • The user can click a button to edit expenses and be taken to a list of all reported expenses
  • They can choose which one they want to edit and be taken to a page just like reporting expenses, but there will be no report another checkbox and the Add button will say Save Changes
  • The user would be taken back to the main summary page
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