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dj-angles </>

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⭐ Features

  • Use HTML-like elements in Django templates, e.g. <dj-partial /> instead of {% include 'partial.html' %}
  • Can be sprinkled in as needed to enhance existing Django functionality
  • Since it looks like HTML, syntax highlighting mostly "just works"
  • Wraps included templates in a custom element for easier debugging and targeted CSS styling
  • Support for making components with the Shadow DOM
  • Integrates with Django component libraries like django-bird
  • call and model template tags to call functions directly from a template
  • dateformat filter to use Python strftime formats instead of PHP when formatting dates
  • Submit forms via AJAX and swap in the resulting HTML

💥 Example


<dj-block name='content'>  <!-- {% block content %} -->
</dj-block>  <!-- {% endblock content %} -->


<dj-extends parent='base.html' />  <!-- {% extends 'base.html' %} -->

<dj-block name='content'>  <!-- {% block content %} -->
  <!-- components -->
  <dj-partial />  <!-- {% include 'partial.html' %} -->
  <dj-include template='partial.html' />  <!-- {% include 'partial.html' %} -->

  <!-- evaluate code from the template -->
  <dj-call code='slugify("Hello Goodbye")' as='variable_name' />  <!-- {% call slugify("Hello Goodbye") as variable_name %} -->
  <dj-model code='Book.objects.filter(id=1)' as='book' />  <!-- {% model Book.objects.filter(id=1) as book %} -->

  <!-- AJAX form submission -->
  <dj-form action='/submit' method='POST' swap='outerHTML' ajax csrf> <!-- <ajax-form><form action='/submit' method='POST'>{% csrf_token %} -->
    <button type='submit'>Submit</button>
  </dj-form><!-- </form></ajax-form> -->

  <!-- conditional attributes -->
  <div dj-if="True">  <!-- {% if True %}<div> -->
  <div dj-elif="False">  <!-- {% elif False %}<div> -->
  <div dj-else>  <!-- {% else %}<div> -->
  </div>  <!-- </div>{% endif %} -->

  <dj-verbatim>  <!-- {% verbatim %} -->
    This is verbatim: {% include %}
  </dj-verbatim>  <!-- {% endverbatim %} -->

  <dj-comment>  <!-- {% comment %} -->
    this is a comment
  </dj-comment>  <!-- {% endcomment %} -->

  <dj-autoescape-on>  <!-- {% autoescape-on %} -->
    This is escaped
  </dj-autoescape-on>  <!-- {% endautoescape %} -->

  <dj-autoescape-off>  <!-- {% autoescape off %} -->
    This is not escaped
  </dj-autoescape-off>  <!-- {% endautoescape %} -->

  <dj-csrf />  <!-- {% csrf_token %} -->

  <dj-debug />  <!-- {% debug %} -->

  <!-- static helpers -->
  <dj-image src='img/django.jpg' />  <!-- <img src="{% static 'img/django.jpg' %}" /> -->
  <dj-css href='css/styles.css' />  <!-- <link href="{% static 'css/styles.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" /> -->
</dj-block>  <!-- {% endblock content %} -->

📖 Documentation

To learn how to install and use dj-angles see the complete documentation at

🧩 Django Component Libraries

There are a growing number of component libraries for Django. A non-complete list:

  • Slippers: Build reusable components in Django without writing a single line of Python.
  • django-components: Create simple reusable template components in Django.
  • django-template-partials: Reusable named inline partials for the Django Template Language.
  • django-bird: High-flying components for perfectionists with deadlines.
  • django-cotton: Enabling Modern UI Composition in Django.
  • django-viewcomponent: Build reusable components in Django, inspired by Rails ViewComponent.
  • django-unicorn: The magical reactive component framework for Django ✨.

✨ Inspiration

🙌 Contributors

Emmanuelle Delescolle
Emmanuelle Delescolle

💻 ⚠️ 📖