Social Network Analysis to increase engagement
This project is aimed at increasing engagement on National Geographic’s Instagram page (Instagram: natgeo). The final outcome is to advise Natgeo regarding the type of content they should post more and less of – i.e., what types of images increase engagement? What types decrease engagement?
- Scrape 500-1000 images from the natgeo Instagram page using scrapers available online. Along with the images, scrape captions, the number of likes and the number of comments for each post.
- Image labels for 1500 pictures were collected using Google Cloud vision API.
- Create a metric (score) for engagement by using a weighted sum of #_likes and #_comments. Be sure to normalize #_likes and #_comments. Now create an engagement score = .4*#_likes (normalized) + .6*#_comments (normalized).
- Build a model to predict engagement with
- Image labels (text) as predictors.
- using captions to predict the same?
- Using both image labels and Captions as predictors
- Perform topic modeling (LDA) on the original image labels and check engagement score per topic
- Recommendations to NatGeo
Please refer to the code and document attached in the repository for more details