Wrapper of Three.js and other useful libraries
npm install --save zetoff-three
import THREE from 'zetoff-three';
import {ThreeBSP} from 'zetoff-three';
- Three.js
Loader Libraries
- STLLoader
- OBJLoader
- BinaryLoader
- SVGLoader
- 3MFLoader
Export Libraries
- STLBinaryExporter
- STLExporter
- OBJExporter
Control Libraries
- OrbitControls
- MouseControls
- TrackballControls
- NURBSCurve
- NURBSSurface
- NURBSUtils
- ThreeCSG
You need to install three npm install three
as a peer depency.
I need to investigate how to better integrate with the three package in terms of
dependencies. See: #12
Another issue is that it only works when the THREE installed in the project is the same version as the one installed in this repo when the project is built. See: #14