This library provides collection types including deque, and also provides methods to search through a collection.
Deque (double-ended-queue) supports addition or removal of elements at the front or back of collection in constant time. In other words, deque has features of both stack and queue.
Collection-builder is literally used to build collections such as array, list, string and so on.
Extension methods for IEnumerable<T>
perform little better than the collection-builder in this library, but the collection-builder supports merging IEnumerable<T>
s like StringBuilder
We actively use Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T> as a argument of methods or in internal implementations. This enables functions to run faster and save memory.
We also provide collection types that can be converted to Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T>.
To install this library into your projects, please visit here (NuGet) and install the NuGet package in the way you like.