This project applies various embedding methods to Medieval Latin charters from the Norman Conquest period to analyze social and cultural changes during this era through a computational linguistic lens.
Paper available at [Paper]
To install the required packages for this project, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The data used in this project is not publicly available. If you need access to the relevant data, please contact the author at [email protected].
Please ensure that your data folders are organized as follows:
(metadata for Anglo-Saxon charters)eng/
(metadata for Norman charters)
The project includes the training and adaptation of models, evaluation of model performance, and a semantic change detection application.
For standardizing Anglo-Saxon period corpora, run the following comment:
python code/data_preprocessing/ -i path/to/your/data -d path/to/your/standerdization/dict -o path/to/your/result
The default setup uses external initialization with pre-trained FastText vectors (available at FastText Crawl Vectors). Use --internal
for internal initialization.
python code/static/ --vecsize <hidden_size> [--internal]
Train BERT models: The default setup uses fine-tuning method using a specified model (
) and a pre-trained tokenizer (-t
). Use the--pretrain
flag to train the model from scratch and--train_tokenizer
to train a new tokenizer.python code/bert/ -i path/to/corpus.txt -o path/to/output [-m path/to/your/base/model] -t path/to/your/tokenizer [--pretrain] [--train_tokenizer]
Extract word embeddings from BERT models: By default, embeddings are aggregated using the
method. To usemax
aggregation, specify it with the-a
option.python code/bert/ -t /path/to/pretrained/tokenizer -m /path/to/pretrained/models -c /path/to/corpus/files -o /path/to/save/embeddings [-a aggregation/method]
The default setup processes all metadata in the corresponding folder. To evaluate using a specific label, include the -l
option to specify the file name.
python code/evaluation/ -m path/to/model -c path/to/corpus.txt -ld path/to/label_dir -o path/to/output [-l specific_label_file_name.txt]