ELASTIC introduces a novel cloud-edge collaborative approach for edge workload forecasting, addressing the inefficiencies of traditional methods by integrating inter-site correlations. This project features a global aggregation layer for enhanced time efficiency and a local disaggregation layer to improve accuracy. Tested with datasets from Alibaba ENS, ELASTIC demonstrates superior performance, reducing both time consumption and communication costs.
The code is built on https://github.com/guokan987/HGCN.
The full datasets of Alibaba ENS is available on https://github.com/xumengwei/EdgeWorkloadsTraces
This project requires the following Python libraries:
- python==3.8.8
- numpy
- pandas==1.2.5
- pytorch==1.8.1
- scikit-learn==1.3.2
- tslearn==0.6.2
- sktime
- statsforecast==1.4.0
1、To install these dependencies, run the following command:
conda create -n <yourenvname> python=3.8.8
source activate <yourenvname>
conda install pytorch==1.8.1 python==3.8.8 torchvision==0.9.1 torchaudio==0.8.1 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
conda install pandas==1.2.5
conda install -c conda-forge tslearn=0.6.2 python==3.8.8
conda install scikit-learn==1.3.2
conda install -c conda-forge sktime python==3.8.8
conda install -c conda-forge statsforecast
If you encounter the error AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'long'
when running the program, it may be due to an incompatible version of the numba
library. To resolve this issue, please ensure that you have the correct version of numba
installed. The required version is 0.57.1
conda install numba==0.57.1 -c conda-forge
2、You can also install the required Python packages with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python train_global.py --device 0 --model gwnet --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
# TP
python train_global.py --device 0 --model gwnet --type UP --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
python train_whole.py --device 0 --model gwnet --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
# TP
python train_whole.py --device 0 --model gwnet --type UP --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
python NixtlaFCST.py --type CPU --data All_full --site AllSite
python NixtlaFCST.py --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
python train.py --device 0 --model LSTM --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
# gwnet
python train.py --device 0 --model gwnet --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
python train.py --device 0 --model N_BEATS --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
# TimesNet
python train.py --device 0 --model TimesNet --type CPU --data All_full --site nanjing-cmcc
# All available models : [gwnet, ASTGCN, GRCN, Gated_STGCN, H_GCN_wh, OGCRNN, OTSGGCN, LSTM, GRU, Informer, Autoformer, N_BEATS, TimesNet, DCRNN, NHITS, DeepAR]
If you find this repo useful, please cite our paper.
title={ELASTIC: edge workload forecasting based on collaborative cloud-edge deep learning},
author={Li, Yanan and Yuan, Haitao and Fu, Zhe and Ma, Xiao and Xu, Mengwei and Wang, Shangguang},
booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023},