🚀 The preliminary version of this work has been accepted at the NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning. We’re thrilled to share the preprint — check it out!
We use Python 3.11.6 and Poetry to manage dependencies.
We recommend using pyenv to manage your python versions. To switch to Python 3.11.6, run
pyenv install 3.11.6
pyenv local 3.11.6
To After pulling from github, in your callm
folder, do the following to install the dependencies:
poetry build
poetry install # install dependencies
poetry shell # make a virtual environment
If you would like to exit the virtual environment, run
exit # exit shell
Lastly, create a .env
file in the root directory of the project and add the following:
OPENAI_API_KEY=<your openai api key>
model=<your model name # e.g. gpt-4-1106-preview>
Please check OpenAI Model Pricing before choosing a model.
All data are available under the data
folder. You can download all the data from this Box Link.
The data provided above are retrieved from the following sources:
- The Fire Weather Index (FWI) projections from ClimRR are available for download at https://anl.app.box.com/s/hmkkgkrkzxxocfe9kpgrzk2gfc4gizp8. Make sure to include
as well asFireWeatherIndex_Wildfire.csv
. - Wildland Fire Incident Locations data can be accessed at https://data-nifc.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/nifc::wildland-fire-incident-locations/about. To run WildfireGPT, we pruned the data to include these four columns:
and renamed the file todata/Wildland_Fire_Incident_Locations_pruned.csv
. - The North American Tree-Ring Fire Scar Synthesis (NAFSS) dataset can be downloaded from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=noaa-fire-34853.
- Census ACS5 data is accessible via the Python API package at https://github.com/Census-ACS/census.
- The scientific literature data developed by CIACC can be downloaded from https://anl.box.com/s/b4m2mnt5wa4z9l71qioz05cb5qpduj2j. To create the embedding and index, run
python src/literature/embedding.py
python src/literature/index.py
We use Streamlit to create a web app. To run the web app, run
streamlit run src/wildfireChat.py
To evaluate the case study results, run
python src/evaluation/eval_offline.py
This will generate the GPT-as-Judge evaluation results under each case study folder. To compute the domain expert evaluation scores,
python src/evaluation/extract_expert_score.py