Get the current version from the release page
Novel2Go extracts the reading content from a website and creates a PDF from it.
It can download:
- a single chapter from a single url for to the chapter
- multiple chapters from an url for the table of contents site of the series. It preselects some chapters and lets you confirm them. Between each download is a 5 second wait time, to avoid making too many request at once.
It downloads everything in the background, as long as the app is running.
Sending works by using your own email app. Novel2Go just generates the email with the pdfs as attachment.
In the settings set your Kindle email address and optionally use amazon covertion feature (recommended).
A single chapter can be send by using the option in the drow down menu.
Multiple chapters can be selected by first long pressing a chapter and then clicking on the envelope icon to send them all together.