A Minecraft modding library. After implementation (here, once), cast the details into Oblivion, and call simple, intuitive methods.
- Abstract Mixin Plugin for easy mod-dependent mixins.
- Some extension methods for Block-, Item-, or FluidTypeProperties to undo calls like
[sic] (atm only a subset of properties is available). - Advancement Brute Forcer to grant advancements by name, regardless of the actual criteria defined.
- Abstract System to provide additional resource packs.
- Simple Registration of Potion Recipes, Compostability, and Furnace Fuel Time.
- Mod-agnostic Sign Registration.
- Mod-agnostic Boat Registration.
- IShownInCreativeTab interface definition.
Q: Can this be used in my modpack?
A: Yes, but do note our license does not allow directly including the mod files in your pack.
Q: Multiloader? Newer versions?
A: Both planned, in that order, but multiloader is proving problematic with how the Mod-Agnostic Signs/Boats are registered.
This project is released under the Avoiding Leeching License, version 1.1.
HangingSignBlockEntityMixin.java is released under the MIT License: it ensures that the type
parameter in the HangingSignBlockEntity superclasses is set to the correct type (ugh vanilla why hardcode it), which is relevant if someone mixes into the constructor of a superclass and uses the parameter, and is compatible with other mixins like it.
The boat code in this project is based on and contains code from Kaupenjoe's 1.20.X Forge Tutorial, which is licensed under the MIT license.