DNS-Blocklists: For a better internet - keep the internet clean!
A typescript framework for generating Minecraft: Bedrock Edition addons.
A command tool to create new / update existing Bedrock Scripting addon
A wrapper for Minecraft Bedrock Edition server with HTTP control
I was kinda challenged by friends, and this is the result so enjoy it
Silex is an online tool for visually creating static sites with dynamic data. With the free/libre spirit of internet, together.
Script API Documentation Generator (Stable and Preview)
The Terminal For Testing The Script Engine
Handles and creates a Minecraft Bedrock game session which will redirect players to the specified server
Samples and assets for building Minecraft: Bedrock Edition add-ons
A cross-platform NBT editor built on the web!
Community Driven Scripts for Minecraft's Scripting
Minecraft Bedrock Edition Default Vanilla Behavior Pack and Resource Pack