A GUI application for MindCraft. Aimed to making the program easier to use.
Note: This is not a stand alone program and requires this repo to be downloaded
Second Note: To use the Ollama model you still have to start Ollama and install it yourself.
Third Note: If you wonder why I coded this in python... I have no idea, Don't question it.
- Ability to change authentication type
- Ability to easily change API Keys
- In built terminal view
- Ability to easily select one or more model profiles
- System/Light/Dark Mode
- UI scaling options
- Textbox for Minecraft Version
- Textbox for Host Address
- Textbox for Port
- Toggle Switch for Loading Memory
- Toggle Switch for Insecure Coding
- Toggle Switch for Verbose Commands
- Toggle Switch for Narrating Behavior
- Textbox for Code Timeout
- Textbox for Max Commands
Download the Latest Release: Get the latest version of MindCraftGUI from the Releases page.
Extract the Files: Unzip the downloaded file to your desired location.
Double-click MindCraftGUI.exe.
- Open MindCraftGUI and select your MindCraft directory. (If you didn't install MindCraft it can be found here
- Wait for the in-built terminal to finish setup.
- Click locally or online based on what you want to use (Connect with LAN or Use a Minecraft account)
- API Keys: Set your API keys by pressing the button that is labled "API KeYS" (You do not need API keys for all models)
- Pick Profile(s): Pick the profile you would like to use. You can use multiple
- Change settings: Change your settings
- Click "Run Bots"
- Thats It! The bot will join your world.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.
MindCraftGUI is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
If you have any issues with MindCraftGUI then post it in the Issues tab, else if your having trouble with the MindCraft repo then please post it in their official discord which can be found here: Discord Link