DISCLAIMER: This MPA [Multi Pages Application] project was featured in a client demonstration. This version serves as a demo and closely resembles the actual version, with the exception of the backend. The primary objective was to showcase my proficiency in fetching data from a database and presenting the outcomes in a responsive and refined design consistent with the brand's identity. This multi-page application centers around the rental and sale of luxury apartments and houses. Users have the ability to search based on various criteria to discover the ideal property for their needs. During its development, cutting-edge technologies were employed, some of which continue to have a significant impact as NextJS & ChackraUi.
Please feel free to explore and interact with the website.
DEMO Deployed: May 2022 : https://meta-nests.vercel.app/
🧰Tools used:
🗹 Babel
🗹 RapidApi
🗹 Vercel
🗹 Netlify
📦NPM Packages used:
✔️Nodemon : refresh server every time a change is made
✔️Chakra-Ui : a simple, modular and accessible component library
✔️eMotion : The Next Generation of CSS-in-JS for animation
✔️Axios: parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before handlers
✔️Framer-Motion : an open source, production-ready library that's designed for all creative developers
✔️Millify : converts long numbers into pretty, human-readable strings
✔️nProgress : slim progress bars for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium
✔️React-horizontal-scrolling-menu : a horizontal scrolling menu component for React
✔️React-icons : a simple, modular and accessible icons library
Note: this project is a beta version and is updated over time until an ultimate version is reached. In the near future, the project will be using an APi of 'real' Metaverse logs, houses, villas and more. Up to then, just pretend it is. Cheers !