StateStruct is a Swift library designed to simplify state management within structs by implementing dependency tracking and change detection. It leverages Swift macros and compiler plugins to automatically inject tracking code into property reads and writes, constructing dependency graphs that reveal how properties interact and change during execution.
- @Tracking Macro: Automatically integrates tracking code to monitor property accesses.
- Read Operations: When properties are read within a tracking block, their access paths (via PropertyPath objects) are recorded into the read dependency graph.
- Write Operations: Similarly, modifications to properties are logged in the write dependency graph.
- By using the function
, StateStruct compares read and write dependency graphs to determine if any previously accessed property has changed. This ensures that only pertinent changes trigger reactive updates, avoiding unnecessary processing.
- Swift macro technology simplifies the insertion of tracking code into structs. This reduces boilerplate and ensures consistent monitoring of property accesses.
- The library implements a copy-on-write (COW) mechanism to optimize state updates. Since the state is structured as a Swift struct and modifications occur frequently, this mechanism ensures that copies are created only when necessary. This optimizes performance by preventing unnecessary data duplication and avoiding inadvertent side effects from shared mutable state. Components like the _BackingStorage class effectively manage this process.
- StateStruct reliably tracks dependencies and detects changes for both flat properties and deeply nested structures (e.g.,
import StateStruct
struct MyState {
var height: Int = 0
var name: String = ""
var nested: Nested = .init(name: "")
struct Nested {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 18
var state = MyState()
// Start tracking and record read operations
_ = state.height
_ =
let readTracking = state.trackingResult!
// Start tracking and record write operations
state.height = 200
let writeTracking = state.trackingResult!
// Change detection: compare dependency graphs to determine if a change occurred
let hasChanged = PropertyNode.hasChanges(
writeGraph: writeTracking.graph,
readGraph: readTracking.graph
// Output: true
Test Cases in UpdatingTests.swift:
Nested Property Access and Modification
// Reading state.startNewTracking() _ = let reading = state.trackingResult! // Writing to state.startNewTracking() state.nested = .init(name: "Foo") let writing = state.trackingResult! // Result: Change detected ✅
Unrelated Property Changes
// Reading state.startNewTracking() _ = let reading = state.trackingResult! // Writing to unrelated nested.age state.startNewTracking() state.nested.age = 100 let writing = state.trackingResult! // Result: No change detected ❌
Broad vs Narrow Tracking
// Reading entire nested object state.startNewTracking() _ = state.nested // Tracks all nested properties let reading = state.trackingResult! // Writing to one nested field state.startNewTracking() state.nested.age = 100 let writing = state.trackingResult! // Result: Change detected ✅ (since we're watching all of nested)
Each test case demonstrates how StateStruct intelligently tracks dependencies and detects changes in nested structures. The examples show real code snippets from the test suite with clear expected outcomes.