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  • This is a repository dedicated to collecting and integrating TShock plugins.
  • Some of the plugins in the library are collected from the internet and decompiled.
  • Due to the special nature of the project, it may cause infringement. If there is any infringement, please contact us to resolve it.
  • We will continue to collect high-quality TShock plugins, update them in a timely manner, and keep up with the latest version of TShock.
  • If you wish to join us, follow the Developer Notes and submit a Pull Request to this repository.

User Notes

  • Note that some plugins may require dependencies, please check the list below to install the dependencies.
  • Each plugin has a usage note, click on the hyperlink in the list below to view the specific instructions.
  • It is said that people who like to star repositories, their plugins are not easy to raise errors.



/apm l List all plugins
/apm i <plugin name> One-click install plugin
/apm u [plugin name] Check and update plugin

Developer Notes

Coding Standards

  • Do not use Chinese variable names.
  • Do not use dangerous features.
  • Avoid using multithreading where possible.
  • Do not leave backdoors in plugins.
  • Please include a file with each plugin project.


Any feedback, suggestions, or improvements on this code library will be considered as public contributions and may be included in this code library unless otherwise explicitly stated.

  • If there is a bug, please provide the relevant system information, TShock version and bug reproduction process in the issue page of GitHub.

Collected Plugins

Click on the hyperlinks to view the detailed description of the plugin


The English plugin documentation might not be updated as promptly as the Chinese plugin documentation. Please try to refer to the Chinese documentation whenever possible.

Plugin List
Plugin Name Translation Percentage Plugin Description Dependencies
AdditionalPylons 100.0% Place more Pylons LazyAPI
AIChatPlugin 100.0% AIChatPlugin
AnnouncementBoxPlus 100.0% Enhance Broadcast Box Functionality LazyAPI
AutoAirItem 100.0% Automatic trash cans LazyAPI
AutoBroadcast 100.0% Automatic broadcast LazyAPI
AutoClear 100.0% Intelligent automatic cleaning LazyAPI
AutoFish 100.0% Automatic fishing LazyAPI
AutoPluginManager 100.0% Update plugins automatically in one key
AutoReset 100.0% Fully automatic reset LazyAPI
AutoStoreItems 100.0% Automatic storage LazyAPI
AutoTeam 100.0% Automatic team formation LazyAPI
Back 100.0% Return to the point of death LazyAPI
BagPing 100.0% Mark treasure bags on the map
BanNpc 100.0% Prevent monster generation LazyAPI
BedSet 100.0% Set and record respawn points LazyAPI
BetterWhitelist 100.0% Whitelist plugin LazyAPI
BridgeBuilder 100.0% Quick bridge building LazyAPI
BuildMaster 100.0% Red Bean Mini Game·Master Builder Mode MiniGamesAPI
CaiBot 100.0% CaiBot adapter plugin (Only support QQ)
CaiBotLite 0.0% CaiBot adapter plugin (Only support QQ)
CaiCustomEmojiCommand 100.0% Custom emoji command LazyAPI
CaiLib 0.0% Cai's preload library SixLabors.ImageSharp
CaiPacketDebug 100.0% Cai Packet Debug Tool LazyAPI TrProtocol
CaiRewardChest 100.0% Convert naturally generated chests into reward chests that everyone can claim once linq2db LazyAPI
CGive 100.0% Offline commands
Challenger 100.0% Challenger mode
Chameleon 100.0% Login before entering the server LazyAPI
ChattyBridge 100.0% Used for cross-server chat LazyAPI
ChestRestore 100.0% Infinite items in resource servers
Chireiden.TShock.Omni 0.0% Yet another misc plugin for TShock - the core part
Chireiden.TShock.Omni.Misc 0.0% Yet another misc plugin for TShock - the miscellaneous part Chireiden.TShock.Omni
CNPCShop 100.0% Custom NPC shop
ConsoleSql 100.0% Execute SQL statements in the console
ConvertWorld 100.0% Convert world items by defeating monsters
CreateSpawn 100.0% Spawn point building generation LazyAPI
CriticalHit 100.0% Critical hit prompt
Crossplay 0.0% Allows for cross-platform play
CustomMonster 100.0% Customize, modify, and generate monsters and bosses
DamageRuleLoot 100.0% Determine the drop treasure bag based on the ratio of damage and transfer damage calculation
DamageStatistic 100.0% Display damage caused by each player after each boss fight
DataSync 100.0% Progress synchronization
DeathDrop 100.0% Random and custom loot upon monster death
DisableMonsLoot 100.0% Prohibit monster loot
DonotFuck 100.0% Prevent swearing LazyAPI
DTEntryBlock 100.0% Prevent entry into dungeons or temples
Dummy 100.0% Dummy client LazyAPI TrProtocol
DumpTerrariaID 100.0% Dump Terraria IDs
DwTP 100.0% Positioning Teleport
Economics.Deal 100.0% Trading plugin EconomicsAPI
Economics.NPC 100.0% Custom monster rewards EconomicsAPI
Economics.Projectile 100.0% Custom projectiles EconomicsAPI Economics.RPG
Economics.Regain 100.0% Item recycling EconomicsAPI
Economics.RPG 100.0% RPG plugin EconomicsAPI
Economics.Shop 100.0% Shop plugin EconomicsAPI Economics.RPG
Economics.Skill 100.0% Skill plugin EconomicsAPI Jint Economics.RPG
Economics.Task 100.0% Task plugin EconomicsAPI Economics.RPG
Economics.WeaponPlus 100.0% Weapon enhancement EconomicsAPI
EconomicsAPI 100.0% Economic plugin prerequisite
EndureBoost 100.0% Grant specified buff when the player has a certain number of items
EssentialsPlus 100.0% Additional management commands LazyAPI
Ezperm 100.0% Batch change permissions LazyAPI
FishShop 0.0% Fish shop
GenerateMap 100.0% Generate map images CaiLib
GolfRewards 87.5% Golf rewards
GoodNight 4.9% Curfew
HardPlayerDrop 100.0% Hardcore death drops life crystals
HelpPlus 100.0% Fix and enhance the Help command
History 100.0% History grid record
HouseRegion 99.2% Land claiming plugin LazyAPI
Invincibility 100.0% Time-limited invincibility
ItemBox 100.0% Off-line inventory
ItemDecoration 100.0% Floating message display for held items LazyAPI
ItemPreserver 100.0% Preserve specified items from consumption
JourneyUnlock 6.3% Unlock journey items
Lagrange.XocMat.Adapter 100.0% Lagrange.XocMat Bot Adapter Plugin SixLabors.ImageSharp
LazyAPI 100.0% Plugin base library linq2db
LifemaxExtra 100.0% Eat more life fruits/crystals LazyAPI
ListPlugins 16.7% List installed plugins
MapTp 100.0% Double-click on the map to teleport
MiniGamesAPI 10.0% Bean paste mini-game API
ModifyWeapons 96.4% ModifyWeapons LazyAPI
MonsterRegen 11.1% Monster progress regeneration
MusicPlayer 7.7% Simple music player
Noagent 16.7% Prohibit proxy IP from entering
NormalDropsBags 100.0% Drop treasure bags at normal difficulty
NoteWall 0.0% Players can leave and view notes here. LazyAPI linq2db
OnlineGiftPackage 9.1% Online gift package
PacketsStop 7.1% Packet interception
PermaBuff 0.0% Permanent buff
PerPlayerLoot 100.0% Separate chest for player loot
PersonalPermission 4.3% Set permissions individually for players
Platform 16.7% Determine player device
PlayerManager 0.0% Hufang's player manager
PlayerRandomSwapper 100.0% Random Player Position Swap LazyAPI
PlayerSpeed 100.0% Enable players to achieve a two-stage sprint LazyAPI
ProgressBag 90.9% Progress gift pack LazyAPI
ProgressControls 0.3% Planbook (Automate server control)
ProgressRestrict 9.1% Super progress detection DataSync
ProxyProtocolSocket 100.0% Accept proxy protocol connections
PvPer 1.3% Duel system
RainbowChat 100.0% Random chat color
RandomBroadcast 33.3% Random broadcast
RandRespawn 100.0% Random spawn point
RealTime 5.6% Synchronize server time with real time
RebirthCoin 100.0% Consume designated items to revive player
RecipesBrowser 100.0% Crafting table
ReFishTask 100.0% Automatically refresh fisherman tasks
RegionView 4.2% Display area boundaries
Respawn 100.0% Respawn at the death place
RestInventory 100.0% Provide REST query backpack interface
ReverseWorld 100.0% World Reversal and Landmine Placement
RolesModifying 100.0% Modify player backpack
Sandstorm 25.0% Toggle sandstorm
ServerTools 95.1% Server management tools LazyAPI linq2db
SessionSentinel 50.0% Handle players not sending data packets for a long time
ShortCommand 12.5% Short command
ShowArmors 12.5% Display equipment bar
SignInSign 8.3% Signboard login plugin
SimultaneousUseFix 16.7% Solve problems like stuck double hammer and star spin machine gun Chireiden.TShock.Omni
SmartRegions 3.6% Smart regions
SpawnInfra 7.7% Generate basic infrastructure
SpclPerm 50.0% Server owner privileges
StatusTextManager 100.0% PC status text management plugin
SurfaceBlock 100.0% Prohibit surface projectiles LazyAPI
SurvivalCrisis 0.0% 'Among Us' like game'
SwitchCommands 4.2% Execute commands in region
TeleportRequest 100.0% Teleport request
TimeRate 100.0% modifying time acceleration using commands, and supporting player sleep to trigger events.
TimerKeeper 100.0% Save timer state
TownNPCHomes 100.0% NPC quick home
TShockConfigMultiLang 50.0% TShock configuration language localization LazyAPI
UnseenInventory 50.0% Allows the server to generate items that are normally 'unobtainable'
VBY.Common 0.0% Foundation library for VBY plugins
VBY.GameContentModify 0.0% Customizable modifications for certain game content (super) VBY.Common
VBY.OtherCommand 0.0% Provide some other auxiliary commands VBY.Common
VBY.PluginLoader 0.0% A plugin loader that allows hot reloading
VBY.PluginLoaderAutoReload 0.0% VBY.PluginLoader的扩展, 自动热重载插件 VBY.PluginLoader
VeinMiner 60.0% Chain mining
VotePlus 97.4% Multi-function voting
WeaponPlus 100.0% Weapon enhancement coin version
WikiLangPackLoader 100.0% Load Chinese Wiki language pack for server
WorldModify 0.0% World editor, can modify most of the world parameters
ZHIPlayerManager 66.3% zZhi's player management plugin


  • If you would like to participate in the translation work, feel free to visit our Crowdin link

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