- Authors: Cai
- Source: Here Fix the issue where the /help command cannot be used in non-English Lang. Add a brief prompt for /help. Use /help to see more detailed command help.
Command | Permission | Details |
help | no | view the list of commands |
/help | no | view detailed help for the command |
Configuration file location:tshock/HelpPlus.json
"简短提示开关": true, //Enable brief prompt
"简短提示对应": { //Brief prompt setting
"user": "用户管理",
"login": "登录",
"logout": "登出",
"password": "修改密码",
"register": "注册",
"accountinfo": "账号信息",
"ban": "封禁",
"broadcast": "广播",
"deal": "交易",
"igen": "快速构建",
"relive": "复活NPC",
"bossinfo": "进度查询"
- Github Issue -> TShockPlugin Repo: https://github.com/UnrealMultiple/TShockPlugin
- TShock QQ Group: 816771079
- China Terraria Forum: trhub.cn, bbstr.net, tr.monika.love