PyADCIRC is a python package of useful ADCIRC utilities for dealing with ADCIRC inputs/outputs, running ADCIRC simulations and more.
Current main areas of pyadcirc are:
- io - IO module provides functions for reading inputs and outputs
- viz - Viz module provides functions for visualization inputs and outputs, using a variety of figure generation software.
- data - The data module provides functions for dealing with data streams from other sources for ADCIRC simulations and verification.
- sim - Simulation utilities, for running ADCIRC simulations on HPC resources and locally.
- scripts - Useful scripts for ADCIRC.
Documentation is still a work in progress. See the notebooks directory for examples on how to use the variety of features provided by this package.
Reach out to Carlos del-Castillo-Negrete ([email protected]) or open an issue for questions or feature requests.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.0.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see