Smart Public Transport is the official KIRI App for Android, now open sourced! Do experiment or add new features by yourself.
It is recommended to fork to a new Github repo before cloning into your computer. Content of this repo can be opened with Android Studio. However, prior to that you need to create a credential configuration file and place it in /app/src/main/res/values/credentials.xml
. The content of this file is as follow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name=""><!--TODO--></string>
<string name="KIRI_APIKEY"><!--TODO--></string>
<string name="admob_id">ca-app-pub-3985184399339873/8346110548</string>
Fill the <--TODO-->
s with your Google Server Key and KIRI API, respectively. You may also change the admob_id
string value with your own admob id (otherwise users clicking ads in your app will generate revenue for me 😄).
Contact @pascalalfadian prior to implementation if you want to improve this app, to avoid disappointment. Generally I prefer ...
- bugfixes
- code cleanup (more object oriented)
- new features in line with the website
... to ...
- new features not related to main function (i.e. navigation)
- new features that cost memory or performance
- notable changes in user experience