The Story
Hi, Farza here. In July 2017 I launched a site I made called It was side project, and I expected some people to like it. What I didn't expect was for it to to get front page of Reddit, 18.2k upvotes, and over 2 million hits within 2 days.
Originally for League of Legends, played music according to the theme, personality, and playstyle of a specifc champion. For example, the champion "Jinx" is known to be insane and reckless so her playlist really fit this mood. With the help of some friends, we gave her songs like this or this.
On release, it featured over 10,000 songs and 136 playlists where each playlist was correlated to a champion.
I also had a little "Join TeamMood" button at the top where you could drop me your resume. Originally, I was hoping some really good programmers or designers would apply to join me in my pursuit to create cool stuff. But, since hit the front page of Reddit I had everyone from industry Software Engineers to a 13 y/o high school student from Morrocco apply. I didn't want to reject 95% of the people that applied because I truly felt that they were passionate and wanted to work with me to imporve their own skills and be part of something cool.