This is a shell for a timezone web app using react. It is a basic page with a dropdown list and JS script to get time from the user's computer. There wasn't much done as I hoped to, but it is what has been done.
To run the downloaded repo on your computer: For react-select to work.
npm install react-select --save
And to start working on the project on react and view the pages on the computer.
npm start
Dropdown lists will not select when a time zone is picked.
I've started working on this for quite some time, it was a good learning experience, but there were many troubles on my side such as some real life changes and having HW and home issues and stuff there wasn't much to be done. I did enjoy the troubleshooting process and specuially the whole dropdown list thingy, it was a major problem cause I tried to use other lists and they didn't work and it was just a major problem for quite some time until I got some help from mentors.
Anyway that's all to the project so I'll call it a wrap now. And Thanks Alec for being such an awesome mentor!!
This app will be a web application that can grab the user’s current location (to tell what timezone they are in). The user will be greeted with a grid of their selected timezones. By default their current timezone will be the first one, but the user should have an option to add
more timezones depending on area to their list.
The dashboard of timezones should include the current weather and any breaking news within that timezone. Finally, the user should be able to share these timezones with friends.
Client Side - React.js
Server Side - Node.js
Hosting - Heroku
Add in desktop notifications for when breaking news is coming in Add meeting setup (Potential growth for LoL game invites)