Term: Fall 2016
Team #2
Projec title: Inspection of Restaurants in NYC
Team members
- team member 1: Han Cui
- team member 2: Jing Mu
- team member 3: Erica Kilbride
- team member 4: Yixin Sun
- team member 5: Yifei Hu
Project summary: New York restaurants are inspected throughout the year and they are given grades and scores due to the violation types. We develop the shiny app from the inspectors' perspective. The three maps are designed to help them gather information, design insepction route, etc. The two graphs illustrate the relationship between violation code and months of the year.
In this second project of Applied Data Science, we will carry out Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization via a shiny app on a topic about open data released from the New York City open data portal. See Project 2 Description for more details.
+ **After your finish your shiny app, please replace the screenshot below with one from your own app.**
The learning goals for this project is
- business intelligence for data science
- systems development/design life cycle
- shiny app/shiny server
Contribution statement: (default) All team members contributed equally in all stages of this project.
Following suggestions by RICH FITZJOHN (@richfitz). This folder is orgarnized as follows.
├── lib/
├── data/
├── doc/
├── figs/
└── output/
Please see each subfolder for a README file.