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Repository for development work on DBT Testing

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This repository contains initial code for comprehensive testing of binary translators.


For Python dependencies, see the requirements.txt. We also require at least LLDB version 17 for fs_base/gs_base register support.

I had to compile LLDB myself; these are the steps I had to take (you also need swig version >= 4):

git clone <llvm-path>
cd <llvm-path>
cmake --build build/ --parallel $(nproc)

# Add the built LLDB python bindings to your PYTHONPATH:
PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$(./build/bin/lldb -P)"

It will take a while to compile.

How To Use is the main executable. Invoke --help to see what you can do with it.


The tools/ directory contains additional utility scripts to work with focaccia.

  • Convert logs from QEMU or Arancini to focaccia's snapshot log format.

Project Overview (for developers)

Snapshots and comparison

The following files belong to a rough framework for the snapshot comparison engine:

  • focaccia/ Structures used to work with snapshots. The ProgramState class is our primary representation of program snapshots.

  • focaccia/ The central algorithms that work on snapshots.

  • focaccia/arch/: Abstractions over different processor architectures. Currently we have x86 and aarch64.

Concolic execution

The following files belong to a prototype of a data-dependency generator based on symbolic execution:

  • focaccia/ Algorithms and data structures to compute and manipulate symbolic program transformations. This handles the symbolic part of "concolic" execution.

  • focaccia/ Tools for executing a program concretely and tracking its execution using LLDB. This handles the concrete part of "concolic" execution.

  • focaccia/ Tools to evaluate Miasm's symbolic expressions based on a concrete state. Ties the symbolic and concrete parts together into "concolic" execution.


  • focaccia/ Utilities for parsing logs from Arancini and QEMU, as well as serializing/deserializing to/from our own log format.

  • focaccia/ Algorithms for trace matching.

Supporting new architectures

To add support for an architecture , do the following:

  • Add a file focaccia/arch/<arch>.py. This module declares the architecture's description, such as register names and an architecture class. The convention is to declare state flags (e.g. flags in RFLAGS for x86) as separate registers.

  • Add the class to the supported_architectures dict in focaccia/arch/

  • Depending on Miasm's support for , add register name aliases to the MiasmSymbolResolver.miasm_flag_aliases dict in focaccia/

  • Depending on the existence of a flags register in , implement conversion from the flags register's value to values of single logical flags (e.g. implement the operation RFLAGS['OF']) in the respective concrete targets (LLDB, GDB, ...).


Repository for development work on DBT Testing






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