Processed is a lightweight, automatic loading state handler for SwiftUI, reducing repetitive boilerplate code and improving code readability. It works in views via two property wrappers (@Loadable
and @Process
) as well as in arbitrary classes using the LoadableSupport
and ProcessSupport
protocols. It also supports full manual state control for situations where the defaults don't work as needed.
struct DemoView: View {
@Loadable<[Int]> var numbers
@MainActor func loadNumbers() {
$numbers.load {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
return [0, 1, 2, 42, 73]
var body: some View {
List {
Button("Load Numbers") {
switch numbers {
case .absent:
case .loading:
case .error(let error):
case .loaded(let numbers):
ForEach(numbers, id: \.self) { number in
Processed supports iOS 15+, macOS 13+, watchOS 8+ and tvOS 15+ and visionOS 1+.
Add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/SwiftedMind/Processed", from: "2.0.0")
Go to File
> Add Packages...
and enter the URL "https://github.com/SwiftedMind/Processed" into the search field at the top right. Processed should appear in the list. Select it and click "Add Package" in the bottom right.
You can find the documentation here.
Apps need to handle loading, error and success states in a lot of places, to perform generic processes like logging in, saving, or deleting something, or to fetch and prepare data for the user. Therefore, it is useful to define some kind of enum
that drives the UI:
enum LoadingState<Value> {
case absent
case loading
case error(Error)
case loaded(Value)
// Optionally, you could define a similar ProcessState enum for generic processes without a return value
You would then use that in a SwiftUI view like this (or inside a view model, if you prefer to keep state out of the views):
struct DemoView: View {
@State var numbers: LoadingState<[Int]> = .absent
var body: some View {
List {
switch numbers {
/* Loading, Error and Success UI */
This is really handy to make sure your UI is consistent with the current state of your data. However, in almost any case, a loading process like this is tightly coupled to an asynchronous task that actually runs the process without blocking the UI. So you would need another state in your view or view model:
struct DemoView: View {
@State var numbers: LoadingState<[Int]> = .absent
@State var loadingTask: Task<Void, Never>?
var body: some View {
List {
Button("Reload") { loadNumbers() }
switch numbers {
/* Loading, Error and Success UI */
func loadNumbers() {
/* Reload data */
The loadNumbers
method could look something like this:
func loadNumbers() {
loadingTask = Task {
numbers = .loading
do {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
numbers = .loaded([0, 1, 2, 42, 73])
} catch {
numbers = .error(error)
The interesting thing here is that almost everything inside the method is boilerplate. You always have to cancel any previous loading tasks, create a new task, set the .loading
state and you always have to end with either a .loaded
state or an .error
state. The only part that's unique to this specific situation is actually loading the data.
And that's exactly what Processed helps with. It hides that boilerplate behind a set of easy to use types and property wrappers. Let's have a look at how it works.
Processed defines a LoadableState
enum that can be used to represent the loading state of some data. It also comes with a lot of handy properties and methods, like .isLoading
, .setLoading()
, .data
enum LoadableState<Value> {
case absent
case loading
case error(Error)
case loaded(Value)
Building on top of this type, Processed defines the @Loadable
property wrapper, which you can use in a SwiftUI view to automate the loading state and task handling.
struct DemoView: View {
@Loadable<[Int]> var numbers // Default state .absent
// ...
Here, numbers
is of type LoadableState<[Int]>
, meaning you can switch over it and interact with it as you would with any other enum
. The view will also update whenever the state changes. This gives you full manual control over all states and behaviors, if you need it.
/* DemoView */
var body: some View {
List {
switch numbers {
case .absent: /* ... */
case .loading: /* ... */
case .error(let error): /* ... */
case .loaded(let numbers): /* ... */
However, the real benefit comes with the $
-prefix property $numbers
. It exposes a few methods that take care of the repetitive boilerplate code we discussed above:
/* DemoView */
@MainActor func loadNumbers() {
$numbers.load {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
return [42]
Here, the call to $numbers.load { ... }
does a few things:
- It cancels any previous loading
- It starts and stores a new
- It sets the state to
(unless therunSilently
argument is set totrue
) - It calls the closure and waits for either a return value or an error.
- If a value is returned, it will set the state to
- If an error is thrown, it will set the state to
- If a value is returned, it will set the state to
Everything is hidden behind this one simple call, so that you can just focus on actually loading the data.
You can also yield
multiple values over time:
/* DemoView */
@MainActor func loadNumbers() {
$numbers.load { yield in
var numbers: [Int] = []
for await number in [42, 73].publisher.values {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
Additionally, you can call load
from an async
context. When this happens, the loading process will not create its own Task
internally, but rather simply use the calling Task
, giving you full control over it:
/* DemoView */
@MainActor func loadNumbers() {
self.numbersTask = Task {
await $numbers.load { // await the loading process
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
return [42]
// At this point, the loading process has finished
And lastly, @Loadable
also supports cancellation from the outside and inside (in addition to respecting a parent Task
$numbers.cancel() // Cancel internal Task
$numbers.reset() // Cancel internal Task and reset state to .absent
// Throw this in the `load` closure, to cancel a loading process from the inside:
throw CancelLoadable()
// Throw this in the `load` closure, to reset a loading process from the inside:
throw ResetLoadable()
If you prefer to keep your state in a view model, or if you would like to use Processed completely outside of SwiftUI, you can also do all the things from above inside a class. However, the syntax is slightly different because of the nature of SwiftUI property wrappers (they hold @State
properties inside, which don't work outside the SwiftUI environment).
However, it's still really easy: You have to conform your class to the LoadableSupport
protocol that implements the same load
, cancel
and reset
methods as the @Loadable
property wrapper, but this time defined on the class itself:
@MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject, LoadableSupport {
// Define the LoadableState enum as a normal @Published property
@Published var numbers: LoadableState<[Int]> = .absent
func loadNumbers() {
// Call the load method from the LoadableSupport protocol
load(\.numbers) {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
return [42]
func loadStreamedNumbers() {
// Call the load method that yields results from the LoadableSupport protocol
load(\.numbers) { yield in
var numbers: [Int] = []
for await number in [42, 73].publisher.values {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
func cancelLoading() {
Processed also defines a ProcessState
enum that can be used to represent the state of a generic process, like logging in, saving something or a deletion. Just as LoadableState
, it comes with a lot of handy properties and methods, like .isRunning
, .setFinished()
, .error
, etc.
enum ProcessState<ProcessKind> {
case idle
case running(ProcessKind)
case failed(process: ProcessKind, error: Swift.Error)
case finished(ProcessKind)
Building on top of this type, Processed defines the @Process
property wrapper, which you can use in a SwiftUI view to automate the process state and task handling.
struct DemoView: View {
@Process var saveData // Compiler infers Process<SingleProcess> for single-purpose process states
// ...
Here, saveData
is of type ProcessState<SingleProcess>
, meaning you can switch over it and interact with it as you would with any other enum
. The view will also update whenever the state changes. This gives you full manual control over all states and behaviors, if you need it.
/* DemoView */
var body: some View {
List {
switch saveData {
case .idle: /* ... */
case .running: /* ... */
case .failed(_, let error): /* ... */
case .finished: /* ... */
However, just like with @Loadable
, the real benefit comes with the $
-prefix property $saveData
. It also exposes a few methods that take care of the repetitive boilerplate code we discussed above:
/* DemoView */
@MainActor func save() {
$saveData.run {
try await saveToDisk()
Here, the call to $saveData.run { ... }
does a few things, pretty much identical to what @Loadable
does, just with semantics better fitting a generic process without a return value:
- It cancels any previous loading
- It starts and stores a new
- It sets the state to
(unless therunSilently
argument is set totrue
) - It calls the closure and waits for either a return or an error.
- If the closure returns, it will set the state to
- If an error is thrown, it will set the state to
- If the closure returns, it will set the state to
Everything is hidden behind this one simple call, so that you can just focus on actually loading the data.
You can also manage multiple kinds of processes through the same state. This is useful if you have multiple processes that don't run in parallel. In the example above, the generic parameter of the ProcessState
enum is automatically inferred to be SingleProcess
, which is a helper type to make it easier to work with processes that only have a single purpose. Specifying your own ProcessKind
is really easy, too! Let's modify the example slightly by adding a deletion option:
enum ProcessKind {
case save
case delete
struct DemoView: View {
@Process<ProcessKind> var process // Specify multiple purposes of this process state
@MainActor func save() {
$process.run(.save) { // Run a save process
try await saveToDisk()
@MainActor func delete() {
$process.run(.delete) { // Run a delete process
try await deleteFromDisk()
var body: some View {
List {
switch saveData {
case .idle: /* ... */
case .running(let process): /* ... */ // Identify the process
case .failed(let process, let error): /* ... */ // Identify the process
case .finished(let process): /* ... */ // Identify the process
Additionally, you can call run
from an async
context. When this happens, @Process
will not create its own Task
internally, but rather simply use the calling Task
, giving you full control over it:
/* DemoView */
@MainActor func save() {
self.processTask = Task {
await $process.run(.save) { // await the process
try await saveToDisk()
// At this point, the process has finished
And lastly, @Process
also supports cancellation from the outside and inside (in addition to respecting a parent Task
$process.cancel() // Cancel internal Task
$process.reset() // Cancel internal Task and reset state to .absent
// Throw this in the `run` closure, to cancel a process from the inside:
throw CancelProcess()
// Throw this in the `run` closure, to reset a process from the inside:
throw ResetProcess()
Just as with LoadableState
, you can also do all the things from above inside a class. You simply have to conform your class to the ProcessSupport
protocol that implements the same run
, cancel
and reset
methods as the @Process
property wrapper, but this time defined on self
enum ProcessKind {
case save
case delete
@MainActor final class ViewModel: ObservableObject, ProcessSupport {
// Define the Process enum as a normal @Published property
@Published var process: Process<ProcessKind> = .idle
func save() {
// Call the run method from the ProcessSupport protocol
run(\.process, as: .save) {
try await save()
func delete() {
// Call the run method from the ProcessSupport protocol
run(\.process, as: .delete) {
try await delete()
func cancelLoading() {
All of the load
and run
methods from above have overloads to add something called "interrupts". An interrupt is a closure that is called in parallel, during the (loading) process, allowing you to run logic based on how long that process takes. This makes it easy to add a timeout when the process takes too long or fade in a view that says "Loading takes a bit longer than expected". Here is an example:
@Loadable var numbers: LoadableState<[Int]>
@State var showLoadingDelay = false
// ...
@MainActor func loadWithTimeout() {
$numbers.load(interrupts: [.seconds(2), .seconds(3)]) {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(10))
return [42]
} onInterrupt: { accumulatedDelay in
switch accumulatedDelay {
case .seconds(5):
throw TimeoutError()
showLoadingDelay = true
You can find a demo project in the Examples folder of this repository. In there, you will find a selection of examples and demonstrations you can use to get started.
App | Simple Process Demo | Basic Loadable Demo |
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MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Dennis Müller and all collaborators
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.