This Repository consists of an analysis done on the spread of COVID-19 in India. is the algorithm applied on the input datasets to generate various outputs.
Installation and Running Process:
1.Install Virtual Box on your computer.
2.Once the Virtual Box is Installed,the Virtual machine can be downloaded from the following link-
3.Name the downloaded image as 'Hadoop.vdi'.
4.Create a New Virtual Machine in VirtualBox using the uncompressed VDI file as the Hard Drive.
-Run VirtualBox
-Click the "New" button
-Enter any name
-Select "Linux" in the OS type dropdown
-Select "Next"
-On the "Memory" panel choose aroung 4 gb memory and click "Next".
-On the Virtual Hard Disk” panel select “Existing” – this opens the VirtualBox Virtual Disk Manager”
-Select the “Add” button.
-Select the “harddisk which you have downloaded” ( in this case it should be Hadoop.vdi) file.
-Click "Select"
-Click "Next"
-Click "Finished"
-Click RUN to Start the VM (you should see Ubuntu running)
-Use username as woir and password as abcd1234 whenever required.
5.Now Setup the Java classpath
6.Open Terminal
7.Start hadoop by command.
8.Now place the CSVReader jar file in any place and edit the classpath and soureme file
9.Now add the in some file in home/examples/
10.Place the input dataset in the same file.
Following are the commands to be entered:(if NewAlgo is the file containing all the java code and inputs)
source /home/woir/sourceme
cd /home/woir/example/NewAlgo/
dos2unix *.csv
hadoop dfs -rm /user/woir_hadoop/input/*
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal ~/example/NewAlgo/newdatatset.csv /user/woir_hadoop/input
hadoop dfs -rm -r /user/woir_hadoop/output/*
rm -rf build
mkdir build
javac -d build
jar -cvf covid.jar -C build/ .
hadoop jar covid.jar org.myorg.CovidStats /user/woir_hadoop/input/ /user/woir_hadoop/output/
hadoop dfs -copyToLocal /user/woir_hadoop/ /home/woir/Downloads/CovidStats
You can check the HDFS using the below link- http://localhost:50070/explorer.html#/user/woir_hadoop/output
CovidStats folder consists of all the java code,class files,input datasets and the outpts generated
Documentation folder consists of the documentation of the project
Graphs folder consists of all the grpahs generated on application of output using matplotlib
Implementation Videos folders consists of all the videos of the implementation
jarFiles folder consists of all the required jar files for the project
Output screenshots are present in the output screenshots folder