Replicate Repository of Googles noto sans for sinhala unicode with cdn.
Web fonts generated with - Transfonter
Original TTF fonts - Google get noto
Get CDN Link 1- Open repository, locate webfonts folder 2- Right click on the font you want to use and copy it's link 3- Visit RAW Git a free cdn provider for Github raw files. 4- Paste the link you copied in Raw Git's first URL tab. 5- Locate "Use this URL in production" and copy the CDN link.
CSS 1- Open your main style sheet or html 2- Add the following code to it. In this example we use the font "Noto Sans Sinhala Extra Light" You may use the name of the font you choose. (Each font may contain two web fonts of type "woff" and "woff2". you will have to get links for each to be used in the CSS for better browser compatibility)
@font-face { font-family: 'Noto Sans Sinhala ExtLt'; /* the font name */ font-style: normal; font-weight: 200; src: url('') format('woff'), url('') format('woff2'); }
3 - You can use the added font in your styles as follows.
.your-style { font-family: 'Noto Sans Sinhala ExtLt'; }