- README.org - this file. fill out the top and use it for notes
- Makefile
- main.cpp - main driver
- funcs.h / funcs.cpp – add your functions here.
- test.cpp - add your tests
- doctest.h - testing library
The full text of the 136 version of the lab can be found here: https://maryash.github.io/135/labs/lab_06.html
- Write your functions in funcs.cpp
- Write your tests in test.cpp
- I will test your program by running
make test
- Don’t add .o, executable or any extraneous files to the repo
- You should commit and push your work frequently
- make sure to add sufficient tests to show that everything works
- You do not have to download the sample image. It is in the repo and named test_image.pgm.
- The two functions in lab-images.cpp are already in funcs.cpp and
funcs.h but have an additional first parameter -
std::string filename
so that you can load and save different image files easily. The sample code is already inmain.cpp
- This lab does not require doctests.
For each task, write a function that creates an output image illustrating that it works. The output filenames should be:
- taska.pgm
- taskb.pgm
- taskc.pgm
- etc.
Running ./main should create all these image files with no user input.
If you are using another image for any of the tasks, make sure to add it to the repo.