This project implements an AI agent that learns to play the classic game of Snake using reinforcement learning techniques. The AI utilizes a Deep Q-Network (DQN) to make decisions and improve its performance over time.
- Custom Snake game environment built with Pygame
- Deep Q-Network (DQN) implementation using PyTorch
- Experience replay for efficient learning
- Epsilon-greedy exploration strategy
- Visualization of training progress
- The agent observes the current game state (snake position, food position, obstacles).
- It uses the trained neural network to predict the best action (move direction).
- The action is executed in the game environment.
- The agent receives a reward based on the outcome (eating food, hitting obstacles, etc.).
- The experience (state, action, reward, next state) is stored in memory.
- The neural network is periodically trained on batches of stored experiences.
- Python 3.x
- PyTorch
- Pygame
- Matplotlib
- NumPy
Run the
script to start training the AI:
The training progress will be displayed in real-time, showing the game screen and a plot of scores over time.
- Implement prioritized experience replay
- Experiment with different network architectures
- Add support for different game modes or obstacles