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hersle committed Mar 9, 2025
1 parent f2a1a5a commit aaae59d
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78 changes: 47 additions & 31 deletions docs/src/tutorials/
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Expand Up @@ -2,42 +2,46 @@

Ordinary differential equations describe the rate of change of some dependent variables with respect to one independent variable.
For the modeler it is often most natural to write down the equations with a particular independent variable, say time $t$.
In many cases there are good reasons for reparametrizing ODEs in terms of a different independent variable:
However, in many cases there are good reasons for changing the independent variable:

1. One may want $y(x)$ as a function of $x$ instead of $(x(t), y(t))$ as a function of $t$
2. Some differential equations vary more nicely (e.g. less stiff or better behaved) with respect to one independent variable than another.
3. It can reduce the number of equations that must be solved (e.g. $y(x)$ is one equation, while $(x(t), y(t))$ are two).
1. One may want $y(x)$ as a function of $x$ instead of $(x(t), y(t))$ as a function of $t$
2. Some differential equations vary more nicely (e.g. less stiff) with respect to one independent variable than another.
3. It can reduce the number of equations that must be solved (e.g. $y(x)$ is one equation, while $(x(t), y(t))$ are two).

To manually change the independent variable of an ODE, one must rewrite all equations in terms of a new variable and transform differentials with the chain rule.
This is mechanical and error-prone.
ModelingToolkit provides the utility function [`change_independent_variable`](@ref) that automates this process.

## 1. Get one dependent variable as a function of another

Consider a projectile shot with some initial velocity in a gravitational field.
Consider a projectile shot with some initial velocity in a vertical gravitational field with constant horizontal velocity.

```@example changeivar
using ModelingToolkit
@independent_variables t
D = Differential(t)
@variables x(t) y(t)
@parameters g = 9.81 v # gravitational acceleration and constant horizontal velocity
M1 = ODESystem([
D(D(y)) ~ -g, D(x) ~ v # constant horizontal velocity
], t; initialization_eqs = [
D(x) ~ D(y) # equal initial horizontal and vertical velocity (45°)
], name = :M)
@parameters g=9.81 v # gravitational acceleration and horizontal velocity
eqs = [D(D(y)) ~ -g, D(x) ~ v]
initialization_eqs = [D(x) ~ D(y)] # 45° initial angle
M1 = ODESystem(eqs, t; initialization_eqs, name = :M)
M1s = structural_simplify(M1)
@assert length(equations(M1s)) == 3 # hide
M1s # hide

This is the standard parametrization that arises naturally from kinematics and Newton's laws.
It expresses the position $(x(t), y(t))$ as a function of time $t$.
But suppose we want to determine whether the projectile hits a target 10 meters away.
There are at least three ways of answering this:
* Solve the ODE for $(x(t), y(t))$ and use a callback to terminate when $x$ reaches 10 meters, and evaluate $y$ at the final time.
* Solve the ODE for $(x(t), y(t))$ and use root finding to find the time when $x$ reaches 10 meters, and evaluate $y$ at that time.
* Solve the ODE for $y(x)$ and evaluate it at 10 meters.

- Solve the ODE for $(x(t), y(t))$ and use a callback to terminate when $x$ reaches 10 meters, and evaluate $y$ at the final time.
- Solve the ODE for $(x(t), y(t))$ and use root finding to find the time when $x$ reaches 10 meters, and evaluate $y$ at that time.
- Solve the ODE for $y(x)$ and evaluate it at 10 meters.

We will demonstrate the last method by changing the independent variable from $t$ to $x$.
This transformation is well-defined for any non-zero horizontal velocity $v$.
This transformation is well-defined for any non-zero horizontal velocity $v$, so $x$ and $t$ are one-to-one.

```@example changeivar
M2 = change_independent_variable(M1, x)
M2s = structural_simplify(M2; allow_symbolic = true)
Expand All @@ -46,17 +50,21 @@ M2s = structural_simplify(M2; allow_symbolic = true)
@assert allequal([M2.x, M2s.x]) # hide
@assert allequal([y, M1s.y]) # hide
@assert allunique([M1.x, M1.y, M2.y, M2s.y]) # hide
@assert length(equations(M2s)) == 2 # hide
M2s # display this # hide

The derivatives are now with respect to the new independent variable $x$, which can be accessed with `M2.x`.

!!! warn

At this point `x`, `M1.x`, `M1s.x`, `M2.x`, `M2s.x` are *three* different variables.
Meanwhile `y`, `M1.y`, `M1s.y`, `M2.y` and `M2s.y` are *four* different variables.
It can be instructive to inspect these yourself to see their subtle differences.

Notice how the number of equations has also decreased from three to two, as $\mathrm{d}x/\mathrm{d}t$ has been turned into an observed equation.
It is straightforward to evolve the ODE for 10 meters and plot the resulting trajectory $y(x)$:

```@example changeivar
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
prob = ODEProblem(M2s, [M2s.y => 0.0], [0.0, 10.0], [v => 8.0]) # throw 10 meters with x-velocity 8 m/s
Expand All @@ -65,67 +73,75 @@ plot(sol; idxs = M2.y) # must index by M2.y = y(x); not M1.y = y(t)!

!!! tip "Usage tips"

Look up the documentation of [`change_independent_variable`](@ref) for tips on how to use it.

For example, if you also need $t(x)$, you can tell it to add a differential equation for the old independent variable in terms of the new one using the [inverse function rule]( (here $\mathrm{d}t/\mathrm{d}x = 1 / (\mathrm{d}x/\mathrm{d}t)$). If you know an analytical expression between the independent variables (here $t = x/v$), you can also pass it directly to the function to avoid the extra differential equation.

## 2. Alleviating stiffness by changing to logarithmic time

In cosmology, the [Friedmann equations]( describe the expansion of the universe.
In terms of conformal time $t$, they can be written

```@example changeivar
@variables a(t) Ω(t)
a = GlobalScope(a) # global var needed by all species
function species(w; kw...)
eqs = [D(Ω) ~ -3(1 + w) * D(a)/a * Ω]
eqs = [D(Ω) ~ -3(1 + w) * D(a) / a * Ω]
return ODESystem(eqs, t, [Ω], []; kw...)
@named r = species(1//3) # radiation
@named r = species(1 // 3) # radiation
@named m = species(0) # matter
@named Λ = species(-1) # dark energy / cosmological constant
eqs = [
Ω ~ r.Ω + m.Ω + Λ.Ω # total energy density
D(a) ~ √(Ω) * a^2
initialization_eqs = [
Λ.Ω + r.Ω + m.Ω ~ 1
eqs = [Ω ~ r.Ω + m.Ω + Λ.Ω, D(a) ~ √(Ω) * a^2]
initialization_eqs = [Λ.Ω + r.Ω + m.Ω ~ 1]
M1 = ODESystem(eqs, t, [Ω, a], []; initialization_eqs, name = :M)
M1 = compose(M1, r, m, Λ)
M1s = structural_simplify(M1)

Of course, we can solve this ODE as it is:

```@example changeivar
prob = ODEProblem(M1s, [M1s.a => 1.0, M1s.r.Ω => 5e-5, M1s.m.Ω => 0.3], (0.0, -3.3), [])
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); reltol = 1e-5)
@assert Symbol(sol.retcode) == :Unstable # surrounding text assumes this was unstable # hide
plot(sol, idxs = [M1.a, M1.r.Ω/M1.Ω, M1.m.Ω/M1.Ω, M1.Λ.Ω/M1.Ω])
plot(sol, idxs = [M1.a, M1.r.Ω / M1.Ω, M1.m.Ω / M1.Ω, M1.Λ.Ω / M1.Ω])
The solver becomes unstable due to stiffness.

But the solver becomes unstable due to stiffness.
Also notice the interesting dynamics taking place towards the end of the integration (in the early universe), which gets compressed into a very small time interval.
These ODEs would benefit from being defined with respect to a logarithmic "time" that better captures the evolution of the universe through *orders of magnitude* of time.
These ODEs would benefit from being defined with respect to a logarithmic "time" that better captures the evolution of the universe through *orders of magnitude* of time, rather than linear time.

It is therefore common to write these ODEs in terms of $b = \ln a$.
To do this, we will change the independent variable in two stages; from $t$ to $a$ to $b$.
Notice that $\mathrm{d}a/\mathrm{d}t > 0$ provided that $\Omega > 0$, and $\mathrm{d}b/\mathrm{d}a > 0$, so the transformation is well-defined.
To do this, we will change the independent variable in two stages; first from $t$ to $a$, and then from $a$ to $b$.
Notice that $\mathrm{d}a/\mathrm{d}t > 0$ provided that $\Omega > 0$, and $\mathrm{d}b/\mathrm{d}a > 0$, so the transformation is well-defined since $t \leftrightarrow a \leftrightarrow b$ are one-to-one.
First, we transform from $t$ to $a$:

```@example changeivar
M2 = change_independent_variable(M1, M1.a)
@assert !ModelingToolkit.isautonomous(M2) # hide
M2 # hide

Unlike the original, notice that this system is *non-autonomous* because the independent variable $a$ appears explicitly in the equations!
This means that to change the independent variable from $a$ to $b$, we must provide not only the rate of change relation $db(a)/da = \exp(-b)$, but *also* the equation $a(b) = \exp(b)$ so $a$ can be eliminated in favor of $b$:

```@example changeivar
a = M2.a
Da = Differential(a)
@variables b(a)
M3 = change_independent_variable(M2, b, [Da(b) ~ exp(-b), a ~ exp(b)])

We can now solve and plot the ODE in terms of $b$:

```@example changeivar
M3s = structural_simplify(M3; allow_symbolic = true)
prob = ODEProblem(M3s, [M3s.r.Ω => 5e-5, M3s.m.Ω => 0.3], (0, -15), [])
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
@assert Symbol(sol.retcode) == :Success # surrounding text assumes the solution was successful # hide
plot(sol, idxs = [M3.r.Ω/M3.Ω, M3.m.Ω/M3.Ω, M3.Λ.Ω/M3.Ω])
plot(sol, idxs = [M3.r.Ω / M3.Ω, M3.m.Ω / M3.Ω, M3.Λ.Ω / M3.Ω])

Notice that the variables vary "more nicely" with respect to $b$ than $t$, making the solver happier and avoiding numerical problems.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ModelingToolkit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ export isinput, isoutput, getbounds, hasbounds, getguess, hasguess, isdisturbanc
tunable_parameters, isirreducible, getdescription, hasdescription,
hasunit, getunit, hasconnect, getconnect,
hasmisc, getmisc, state_priority
export ode_order_lowering, dae_order_lowering, liouville_transform, change_independent_variable
export ode_order_lowering, dae_order_lowering, liouville_transform,
export PDESystem
export Differential, expand_derivatives, @derivatives
export Equation, ConstrainedEquation
Expand Down
49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions src/systems/diffeqs/basic_transformations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -47,11 +47,17 @@ function liouville_transform(sys::AbstractODESystem; kwargs...)
neweq = D(trJ) ~ trJ * -tr(calculate_jacobian(sys))
neweqs = [equations(sys); neweq]
vars = [unknowns(sys); trJ]
ODESystem(neweqs, t, vars, parameters(sys); checks = false, name = nameof(sys), kwargs...)
neweqs, t, vars, parameters(sys);
checks = false, name = nameof(sys), kwargs...

change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_old_diff = false, simplify = true, fold = false, kwargs...)
sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = [];
add_old_diff = false, simplify = true, fold = false
Transform the independent variable (e.g. ``t``) of the ODE system `sys` to a dependent variable `iv` (e.g. ``u(t)``).
The transformation is well-defined when the mapping between the new and old independent variables are one-to-one.
Expand All @@ -68,13 +74,13 @@ Any extra equations `eqs` involving the new and old independent variables will b
# Usage before structural simplification
The variable change must take place before structural simplification.
Subsequently, consider passing `allow_symbolic = true` to `structural_simplify(sys)` to reduce the number of unknowns, with the understanding that the transformation is well-defined.
In following calls to `structural_simplify`, consider passing `allow_symbolic = true` to avoid undesired constraint equations between between dummy variables.
# Usage with non-autonomous systems
If `sys` is non-autonomous (i.e. ``t`` appears explicitly in its equations), it is often desirable to also pass an algebraic equation relating the new and old independent variables (e.g. ``t = f(u(t))``).
Otherwise the transformed system will be underdetermined and cannot be structurally simplified without additional changes.
If an algebraic relation is not known, consider using `add_old_diff`.
If `sys` is non-autonomous (i.e. ``t`` appears explicitly in its equations), consider passing an algebraic equation relating the new and old independent variables (e.g. ``t = f(u(t))``).
Otherwise the transformed system can be underdetermined.
If an algebraic relation is not known, consider using `add_old_diff` instead.
# Usage with hierarchical systems
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +108,10 @@ julia> unknowns(M)
function change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_old_diff = false, simplify = true, fold = false, kwargs...)
function change_independent_variable(
sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = [];
add_old_diff = false, simplify = true, fold = false
iv2_of_iv1 = unwrap(iv) # e.g. u(t)
iv1 = get_iv(sys) # e.g. t

Expand All @@ -114,6 +123,7 @@ function change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_o
error("Variable $iv is not a function of the independent variable $iv1 of the system $(nameof(sys))!")

# Set up intermediate and final variables for the transformation
iv1name = nameof(iv1) # e.g. :t
iv2name = nameof(operation(iv2_of_iv1)) # e.g. :u
iv2, = @independent_variables $iv2name # e.g. u
Expand All @@ -127,23 +137,22 @@ function change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_o
if add_old_diff
eqs = [eqs; Differential(iv2)(iv1_of_iv2) ~ 1 / div2_of_iv2] # e.g. dt(u)/du ~ 1 / uˍt(u) (
@set! sys.eqs = [get_eqs(sys); eqs] # add extra equations we derived before starting transformation process
@set! sys.unknowns = [get_unknowns(sys); [iv1, div2_of_iv1]] # add new variables, will be transformed to e.g. t(u) and uˍt(u) # add dummy variables and old independent variable as a function of the new one
@set! sys.eqs = [get_eqs(sys); eqs] # add extra equations we derived
@set! sys.unknowns = [get_unknowns(sys); [iv1, div2_of_iv1]] # add new variables, will be transformed to e.g. t(u) and uˍt(u)

# Create a utility that performs the chain rule on an expression, followed by insertion of the new independent variable
# e.g. (d/dt)(f(t)) -> (d/dt)(f(u(t))) -> df(u(t))/du(t) * du(t)/dt -> df(u)/du * uˍt(u)
# Then use it to transform everything in the system!
# Create a utility that performs the chain rule on an expression, followed by insertion of the new independent variable:
# e.g. (d/dt)(f(t)) -> (d/dt)(f(u(t))) -> df(u(t))/du(t) * du(t)/dt -> df(u)/du * uˍt(u)
function transform(ex)
# 1) Replace the argument of every function; e.g. f(t) -> f(u(t))
for var in vars(ex; op = Nothing) # loop over all variables in expression (op = Nothing prevents interpreting "D(f(t))" as one big variable)
is_function_of_iv1 = iscall(var) && isequal(only(arguments(var)), iv1) # is the expression of the form f(t)?
is_function_of_iv1 = iscall(var) && isequal(only(arguments(var)), iv1) # of the form f(t)?
if is_function_of_iv1 && !isequal(var, iv2_of_iv1) # prevent e.g. u(t) -> u(u(t))
var_of_iv1 = var # e.g. f(t)
var_of_iv2_of_iv1 = substitute(var_of_iv1, iv1 => iv2_of_iv1) # e.g. f(u(t))
ex = substitute(ex, var_of_iv1 => var_of_iv2_of_iv1; fold)
# 2) Expand with chain rule until nothing changes anymore
# 2) Repeatedly expand chain rule until nothing changes anymore
orgex = nothing
while !isequal(ex, orgex)
orgex = ex # save original
Expand All @@ -156,22 +165,25 @@ function change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_o
return ex

# Use the utility function to transform everything in the system!
function transform(sys::AbstractODESystem)
eqs = map(transform, get_eqs(sys))
unknowns = map(transform, get_unknowns(sys))
unknowns = filter(var -> !isequal(var, iv2), unknowns) # remove e.g. u
ps = map(transform, get_ps(sys))
ps = filter(!isinitial, ps) # remove Initial(...) # # TODO: shouldn't have to touch this
ps = filter(!isinitial, ps) # remove Initial(...) # TODO: shouldn't have to touch this
observed = map(transform, get_observed(sys))
initialization_eqs = map(transform, get_initialization_eqs(sys))
parameter_dependencies = map(transform, get_parameter_dependencies(sys))
defaults = Dict(transform(var) => transform(val) for (var, val) in get_defaults(sys))
defaults = Dict(transform(var) => transform(val)
for (var, val) in get_defaults(sys))
guesses = Dict(transform(var) => transform(val) for (var, val) in get_guesses(sys))
assertions = Dict(transform(condition) => msg for (condition, msg) in get_assertions(sys))
assertions = Dict(transform(ass) => msg for (ass, msg) in get_assertions(sys))
systems = get_systems(sys) # save before reconstructing system
wascomplete = iscomplete(sys) # save before reconstructing system
sys = typeof(sys)( # recreate system with transformed fields
eqs, iv2, unknowns, ps; observed, initialization_eqs, parameter_dependencies, defaults, guesses,
eqs, iv2, unknowns, ps; observed, initialization_eqs,
parameter_dependencies, defaults, guesses,
assertions, name = nameof(sys), description = description(sys)
systems = map(transform, systems) # recurse through subsystems
Expand All @@ -182,6 +194,5 @@ function change_independent_variable(sys::AbstractODESystem, iv, eqs = []; add_o
return sys

return transform(sys)

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