This repository contains the command line utility for the public PaaS Scalingo.
Visit our website.
The project is using Go, then you need a running Go environment: Official documentation
Once that's done, all you have to do is to go get
the project, with the
following command:
go get
That's it, you've build the latest version of the Scalingo CLI (the binary will
be present in $GOPATH/bin/scalingo
go get -u
You have to setup the following environment variables:
HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy host>:<proxy port>
HTTPS_PROXY=https://<proxy host>:<proxy port>
By default the CLI is making an HTTP request to learn if a newer version is available. To disable this feature, define the environment variable:
Scalingo Client - Manage your apps and containers
scalingo [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Scalingo Team <[email protected]>
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
addons List used add-ons
addons-add Provision an add-on for your application
addons-remove Remove an existing addon from your app
addons-upgrade Upgrade or downgrade an add-on attached to your app
addons-info Display information about an add-on attached to your app
backups-config Configure the periodic backups of a database
database-enable-feature Enable a togglable feature from a database
database-disable-feature Enable a togglable feature from a database
backups List backups for an addon
backups-create Ask for a new backup
backups-download Download a backup
backup-download Download a backup
Addons - Global:
addons-list List all addons
addons-plans List plans
alerts List the alerts of an application
alerts-add Add an alert to an application metric
alerts-update Update an alert
alerts-enable Enable an alert
alerts-disable Disable an alert
alerts-remove Remove an alert from an application
App Management:
destroy Destroy an app /!\
rename Rename an application
apps-info Display the application information
open Open app on default web browser
dashboard Open app dashboard on default web browser
logs, l Get the logs of your applications
logs-archives, la Get the logs archives of your applications and databases
run, r Run any command for your app
one-off-stop Stop a running one-off container
ps Display your application containers
scale, s Scale your application instantly
restart Restart processes of your app
send-signal, kill Send SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 to your application containers
force-https Enable/Disable automatic redirection of traffic to HTTPS for your application
sticky-session Enable/Disable sticky sessions for your application
router-logs Enable/disable router logs for your application
set-canonical-domain Set a canonical domain.
unset-canonical-domain Unset a canonical domain.
db-tunnel Create an encrypted connection to access your database
autoscalers List the autoscalers of an application
autoscalers-add Add an autoscaler to an application
autoscalers-remove Remove an autoscaler from an application
autoscalers-update Update an autoscaler
autoscalers-disable Disable an autoscaler
autoscalers-enable Enable an autoscaler
CLI Internals:
update Update 'scalingo' SDK client
changelog Show the Scalingo CLI changelog from last version
collaborators List the collaborators of an application
collaborators-add Invite someone to work on an application
collaborators-remove Revoke permission to collaborate on an application
Cron Tasks:
cron-tasks List the cron tasks of an application
Custom Domains:
domains List the domains of an application
domains-add Add a custom domain to an application
domains-remove Remove a custom domain from an application
domains-ssl Enable or disable SSL for your custom domains
redis-console Run an interactive console with your Redis addon
mongo-console, mongodb-console Run an interactive console with your MongoDB addon
mysql-console Run an interactive console with your MySQL addon
pgsql-console, psql-console, postgresql-console Run an interactive console with your PostgreSQL addon
influxdb-console, influx-console Run an interactive console with your InfluxDB addon
deployments List app deployments
deployment-logs View deployment logs
deployment-follow Follow deployment event stream
deploy Trigger a deployment by archive
deployment-delete-cache, deployment-cache-delete Reset deployment cache
Display metrics of the running containers:
stats Display metrics of the currently running containers
env Display the environment variables of your apps
env-get Get the requested environment variable from your app
env-set Set the environment variables of your apps
env-unset Unset environment variables of your apps
user-timeline List the events you have done on the platform
timeline List the actions related to a given app
git-setup Configure the Git remote for this application
git-show Display the Git remote URL for this application
apps List your apps
create, c Create a new app
login Login to Scalingo platform
logout Logout from Scalingo
regions List available regions
config Configure the CLI
self, whoami Get the logged in profile
Integration Link:
integration-link Show integration link of your app
integration-link-create Link your Scalingo application to an integration
integration-link-update Update the integration link parameters
integration-link-delete Delete the link between your Scalingo application and the integration
integration-link-manual-deploy Trigger a manual deployment of the specified branch
integration-link-manual-review-app Trigger a review app creation of the pull/merge request ID specified
integrations List your integrations
integrations-add Link your Scalingo account with your account on a tool such as
integrations-delete Unlink your Scalingo account and your account on a tool such as
integrations-import-keys Import public SSH keys from integration account
Log drains:
log-drains-add Add a log drain to an application
log-drains List the log drains of an application
log-drains-remove Remove a log drain from an application and its associated addons
notifiers List your notifiers
notifiers-details Show details of a notifier
notifiers-add Add a notifier for your application
notifiers-update Update a notifier
notifiers-remove Remove an existing notifier from your app
Notifiers - Global:
notification-platforms List all notification platforms
Public SSH Keys:
keys List your SSH public keys
keys-add Add a public SSH key to deploy your apps
keys-remove Remove a public SSH key
Region migrations:
migration-create Start migrating an app to another region
migration-run Run a specific migration step
migration-abort Abort a migration
migrations List all migrations linked to an app
migration-follow Follow a running migration
Review Apps:
review-apps Show review apps of the parent application
Runtime Stacks:
stacks List the available runtime stacks
stacks-set Set the runtime stack of an app
--addon value ID of the current addon (default: "<addon_id>") [$SCALINGO_ADDON]
--app value, -a value Name of the app (default: "<name>") [$SCALINGO_APP]
--remote value, -r value Name of the remote (default: "scalingo")
--region value Name of the region to use
--version, -v print the version
In order to build the current development version and use it against the development services:
cd scalingo
go build .
SCALINGO_API_URL= SCALINGO_AUTH_URL= ./scalingo login --api-token <admin user API token>
Get the latest version of the CLI:
git switch master
git pull origin master
You may want to cherry pick the commits to include in the release. You first
need to get the commit ID of the previous release (let's call it base commit ID
). Then create a new branch and cherry pick all the commits you need, from
the oldest to the most recent. Use the commit ID of the merge of every pull
request you want to include in your release. Don't forget to also cherry pick
the commit for the version bump.
git checkout <base commit ID>
git checkout -b v1.34.0
git cherry-pick -m 1 <commit ID number 1>
git cherry-pick -m 1 <commit ID number 2>
git cherry-pick -m 1 <commit ID number X>
git push --set-upstream origin v1.34.0
Bump new version number in:
: used by the CLI download service (
And commit these changes:
git switch --create release/${version}
git add .
git commit -m "Bump version ${version}"
git push --set-upstream origin release/${version}
gh pr create --reviewer=EtienneM --title "$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)" --fill-first --base master
Once the pull request merged, you can tag the new release.
git tag ${version}
git push origin master ${version}
Pushing the tag triggers a GitHub Action which builds the cross-platform binaries and create a new release.
When the GitHub Action finished, restart the Scalingo application cli-download-service
scalingo restart --region osc-fr1 --app cli-download-service
It serves as cache between GitHub and our customers for a more efficient check of what is the new CLI version.
You can now update the changelog and tweet about it!
[Changelog] CLI - Release of version 1.34.0 - More news at #cli #paas #changelog #bugfix
Add in a tweets thread the changelog of this new version. 1.34.0