Pursuing MS in Engineering Management with 3+ years of in project management, software engineering and process improvement.
San Jose State University
- San Francisco Bay Area
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/goswamisamruddhi/
OperationsPlanning Public
Vikings Division had experienced a loss of profit due to not meeting their demand on time (i.e., backorders) and maintaining high work-in-process (WIP) inventory resulting in long production times.…
LeanProcessImporovement Public
I improved customer experience at the Indian Market located in Milpitas using Lean Six Sigma techniques. The primary focus of this project was to reduce customer checkout time, managing stockouts a…
LifeExpectancyAnalysis Public
Data Analysis and Visualization Of LifeExpectancy based on WHO data. Summarized the data for developed and developing countries. I used histograms and scatter plot to get clear visualization of fac…