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samatstarion edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 4 revisions


ECoreNetto Tools is a commandline application used to process an Ecore model and generate a report on the contents of that model. The application is distributed as an executable via the Releases as well as a dotnet tool available from


Windows 64 bit

  • Download the executable from the latest release. The filename is ECoreNetto.Tools.exe
  • Verify that the hash is the same as is documented on the release notes
    • Open a Power-Shell console
    • Execute the Get-FileHash providing the path the downloaded file ECoreNetto.Tools.exe

Dotnet tool

to install:

dotnet tool install --global ECoreNetto.Tools

to uninstall:

dotnet tool uninstall --global ECoreNetto.Tools

How To

ecoretools can generate multiple reports.

  • Inspection Report: The inspection report is a text based report in the variations of types, multiplicities and a list of classes and features that lack documentation. This report is used to support template based code generation to determine which classes and enums should be verified during code generation to get good coverage of the variations in the ECore model.
  • Excel Table Report: An Excel spreadsheet that contains a list of all classes, their attributes and documentation.
  • HTML Report: An HTML report of all Enums, DataTypes and Classes.

The application supports the following commands and options to generate the reports:

command description
inspect Inspects an ECore model and generates a text report
excel-report Generates a tabular report of the ECore model
html-report Generates a html report of the ECore model
option shorthand description default
--no-logo Suppresses the logo false
--input-model -i The path to the ecore file model.ecore
--output-report -o The path to the tabular report file. The extension is required to be .xlsx tabular-report.xlsx
--auto-open-report -a Open the generated report with its default application false
--help -? shows help information false

windows executable:

ECoreNetto.Tools.exe -? 
ECoreNetto.Tools.exe inspect --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.txt>
ECoreNetto.Tools.exe excel-report --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.xlsx>
ECoreNetto.Tools.exe html-report --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.html>

dotnet tool:

ecoretools -?
ecoretool inspect --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.txt>
ecoretool excel-report --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.xlsx>
ecoretool html-report --input-model <path-to-ecore-model> --output-report <path-to-output-report.html>

Open the file and inspect the contents. In case the --auto-open-report is used the linked application will open the file. Make sure that in the case of the excel report the file is not open in the application.