JavaScript program for encrypting and decrypting text.
Has 4 main functions:
- Encrypting text
- Decrypting text
- Validating keys
- Generating keys
Open the file index.html in your browser or visit here.
- Enter the key
- Enter the plain text
- Press 'Encrypt'
The encrypted text will be displayed.
- Enter the key
- Enter the cipher text
- Press 'Decrypt'
The decrypted text will be displayed.
- Enter the key
- Press 'Check'
The letter mapping produced by the key will be displayed.
- Press 'Generate'
A random key will be displayed.
- Enter the mapping in the following format:
- D,E,V,L,J,B,Z,S,X,C,Q,M,G,N,I,F,R,W,T,A,U,P,H,O,Y,K
- where A maps to D, B maps to E, etc.
- Press 'Generate'
The key produced by the letter mapping will be displayed.